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flying carpet

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Posts posted by flying carpet

  1. Kat woodlands blk 818. Eastern aquarium. Shipment selau macam gini Thursday night Ikan. Sunday night Coral. Dia punya supplier mat indon. Tapi dia tauke kau kalau selalu patron mesti baik2 punya discount dia kasi.

    Aku bukan nak promo ni kedai tapi kadang2 pegi kedai underdog lagi puas hati.

  2. Aku pun ada rasa macam tu juga kadang2. Tapi kalau aku pegi tempat yg aku selalu belanja dia punya tauke ada timbang rasa sikit. Kalau ls dah dalam masa satu atau dua minggu orang tak ambik kalau aku yg nak dia kasi diacount janji ada orang beli sudah tak cakap banyak punya.

    Tauke cincai punya. Lagi dia tak ad kat sini. Cuma ada yg kat sini buat tank dgn dia.

  3. Don't just jump to using ozone just because of it benefits only there are other thing to look into. Any leakage of ozone can cause health hazard and over dosage of ozone to your tank will cost your livestock to die.

    If using ozone is your option then you will need any ORP meter to indicate when is enough. If you have doubts about ozone it is better that you use UV sterilizer.

  4. BH someone used to say to me "the thing that doesn't kill you only make you stronger."

    Hanging on to what you believe in is better than giving up. If you believe that you have done nothing wrong why should you leave the club? Yes people may gossip or bad things about you but life is too short to worry about these idiots.

    Take a break lah dun sign out or leave.


  5. Talking abt this haunted house thingy. I recently moved to a jumbo unit in woodlands st 82. My blk is 850 and from my unit I can see blk 852. Let me tell you this is not a cut and paste story. I wonder for a few days and asked friends and neighbours and my sister and bro-in-law also did some research.

    What we got was that the whole flat used to be occuppied but due to certain incidents that happen and now it is vacant.

    There other stories stating that it was rented to foreign worker which was rented out for a certain time and now renting contract finish it is vacant.

    Some say for army excercise, quarantine sars patients and blah blah!!!

    I myself went to that blk to have a look everything looks normal but they put a grille on the second floor prevent people from entering and they stop the lift from functioning.

    It is kind of freaky when I come to think of it many questions came up. Why nobody live there? What is hdb planning to do abt that blk? Is it really haunted?

    Well I can only tell you this. My mother woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. Then she went to check whether my maid close all the windows. She glance at one of the unit and saw that the light inside the unit went on and off. Nobody live there. Only the corridor light are on. So the only way for one unit light to be on is have someone inside!


  6. Bro thanks for sharing the airport tank photos.

    Yah lor quite suprising after sometime never been to the airport suddenly no more tank. Still remember those times when sending relatives who are travelling always went to look at it.

    Now no more sad man, maybe the maintainance is high that why.

  7. For me prices of livestock in Singapore is ok. For those who complain a lot about the high price are usually those who don't know much yet. Don't take me wrongly, when I first started this hobby I also thought that the prices here are outrageous until I start searching on the net and found out that it is the other way round.


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