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Everything posted by woverine

  1. bro still available? well u place abit far if u dunt mind wait I am interested.
  2. emmm anyway guyz does this fellow reduce no3 well like clamp. I know I know not much but emmm does it?
  3. aha tkz bro. yap I agree. well got to use the correct reasons to discard it u know he been very supportive . dunt want to lose a "partner" LOL.
  4. guyz . my dad dump this into my main tank . well is this safe and is this oyster the same care to be given as clam? tkz.
  5. bro is it the hang on time. well is ur bubble in the chamber "alot" and where is the level of the bubble .I either inline it with the bottom part of thr cup collection or lower depending .
  6. yap from vietnam and the younger bro(owner) say its tank-breed ( aha it is the actual words he use)
  7. Bro this is from re@@rn. they say its from vietnam and now feeding frozen mysis. well not wronr its $25.
  8. very interested. where is the collection point or would u rather trade a fish . a sweetlip. tkz
  9. well kind of a guy idea u got there. ok point noted. tkz
  10. oopss sori maybe miss that . tkz anyway. Bro how u managed ur live supply ( mysis, shrimp etc)wanna know ,if I a get a wc SH I know where to look b4 train then on frozen. and is ur copepodes mutypling very fast. u thnk I can have some or rather where I can buy if any LFS selling.
  11. Posting this for a fren, need all the guru's help in regards to the above title. Pls post your sump tank ,pics pls. xplain and the placing of where and why the LR, skimmer etc etc. (emmm good for me too ...upgrding in thinking...) Anyway my fren tank is 6ft tank. tks in advance..
  12. aha maybe maybe lol. bro CHIMNO any update abt ur "school of feeding frozen".
  13. no problem bro , any simple english is ok well we do have other race in here who dunt know chinese . not saying it is wrong dunt ge me wrong but we all can help u not only we learn reefing but for u esp u learn english too . right bro . no offence( not angry) just my opinions. ya man the weedies r definitely xtremely unique , I really hope we can learn more abt them.
  14. yap many still anyway bro chmno u check d scorpion fish at the next door just the entrance of the inner door. cool ha. $270 is d price man.
  15. bro just want to tell u I saw them at re@@rn. quite a bit piece left. dunt know the price at the top level beside their tank.
  16. really? like how much . very curious to know. If it works wonders I do not mine trying but of coz when u say a bomb as long not Atomic bomb can consider.
  17. tkz chimno . well anyway ur school of seahorse eating no more? I just abt to register but seem quite. hehehe. JK.
  18. no problem bro anyway the reidis on that pics what is the ideal temperature? CB? can pm me the price Bro chimno tkz
  19. Bro I just posted 1 min ealier same topic. wow what a coincidence. ya an interesting discovery ya?
  20. do not know if I posted at the right place sori if I am wrong AT Eco-Wheel Aquarium System “The only system in the world that runs on air and light.” In December, 2000 our new Eco-Wheel Aquarium System was installed. This breakthrough new system comes closer to creating a “natural” reef environment than any other set-up we’ve seen. It uses a commercial quality air pump which turns a paddle wheel on which algae grows. Using a wheel rather than a flat screen in a dump tray creates a huge surface area for algae scrubbing. The wheel has an asymmetrical internal compartment filled with bio balls, which tumbles as the wheel turns, increasing the O2 level and the biological capacity. The wheel produces a delightful rhythmic, ocean sounding splash and surge as it turns inside its separate enclosed refugia. You really feel you’re at the ocean around these tanks. The Eco-Wheel Aquarium System has been in design and testing by Aquatic Engineers, Inc. (AEI) since 1995 and is the first system to successfully mimic water filtration processes found in nature. The Eco-Wheel system provides water movement, water surge, algal turf scrubbing, biological filtration, “selective” protein skimming and uses a single air pump to accomplish all of these processes. The main feature of AEI’s patented process is that it’s completely non-destructive to plankton and other organisms that comprise the lower echelon of the aquatic food chain. With these organisms left undisturbed, a complete eco-system can be achieved. As a matter of fact, it is the only commercial available aquatic life support system in the world that is non-destructive to plankton! This amazing system features: Requires no centrifugal water pumps or powerheads for operation; runs entirely off of one air pump. Removes ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, excess nutrients, carbon, phosphates, and suspended solids. Greatly reduces nuisance algae in the aquarium. Provides “selective” protein skimming which fertilizes the algae with dead organic matter, but does not harm plankton or remove essential supplied elements. Maintains (feeds) zooplankton with phytoplankton and algae. Maintains saturated oxygen levels and a constant pH during day and night times. Generates high flow water surge, and currents throughout the aquarium. Has only one moving part making for a very dependable system. Won’t clog, stick, or jam from debris. Requires very low maintenance, very easy to clean. Maintains a “cooler” water temperature due to the absence of centrifugal water pumps or powerheads. Electricity usage is minimal. Cannot overflow the aquarium. Eliminates the risk of electrocution.
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