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Posts posted by surfedelic

  1. pic... lolz.. for a long long time I never take any pic of my tank.. too lazy for that..

    plus showing too much stuff in here just asking for trouble... :D

    I'm happy my BK 300 skimmer is doing a wonderful job for me... and I see gd future for my tank will do..

    I'm too lazy to go and fight with ppls for color sps.. so look at my tank.. lolz all brown one.... left over by ppls who dont want.. and i pick up $20 each... and happy if they can color up... if not I will try my best to even keep the sps alive even they are brown and dull...or half death sps which I can get it slowly recover...

    I'm not that crazy or rich to go for "get color sps and keep changing brown out sps for color sps" method and take part to be AOTM gang... :D

    You have all the Dragons and you are keeping Brown frags :lol::lol: No offence ... I believe you are too humble ..bro

  2. Thanks all!

    Surf, I use minimal carbon but I do not think it has any direct affect on colour.  And yes, a shallow sand bed it is. ;) I think a little sand is more aesthetically pleasing than a true BB.  Plus it helps to keep some of the LR in place.  How do you keep your starboard clean?

    JC, i did indeed bring the cap forward.  It's now closer to the middle and should look nice when it grows out. :)

    As for the starboard, i will remove as much stuff as i could except for my accidental break off frags ... but currently I am still having a sea cucumber .... probably very miserable by now -- keeping for my new tank which i intend to have a SSB.

    Anyway to me I find it really a hussle ... which is why I am experimenting reverse flow for my new tank ... so that the detritus will not get collected at the bottom. Hopefully to make reefing more enjoyable :D

  3. What is the prizes for the competition in the first place ?

    If it is less than 10K ... probably can forget it ... In a standard 3 ft tank probably the live stock could cost up to 4 to 5 thousand alone .... and not to mentioned the time to look for the rare species ........ not to mention the time involved to move all the live rocks and livestock to another tank ... the shift is no joke ... even the owner is getting alot of stress...

    Fresh & marine aquascaping is 2 very different technique .... fresh water still can played with alot of different material ... but for marine all are live rocks ... it is almost impossible to create an exact replica of the system even if you are using the same rocks ...

    If it is 20k and above - can consider :eyebrow:

  4. Previously, I was using ARMS and my reactor was bubbling like 2 to 3 bubbles per sec ... the cal and KH in the range of 450 - 500 ppm and the KH in the range of 10 -12 KH ...

    Recently I change to rowalith C .... maintaining cal at 500ppm and KH at 13.

    But my Mag is dropping fast .... I just buff up the mag to 1350 ....2 days back .. and now it is at 1290 ... looks scary to see it drop so fast .... and the KH is not holding well ....everynight will drop 3 dkh ...Wonder whether it is the media... which is causing it ;)

  5. Wah man :o .... pm going at this rate is going to fill up my inbox very soon.

    those who are curious why i am selling it - I bought it for fun just to try it out in my tank but the current and light is too strong so no choice got to let go as I think it is not at the optimal lighting as it is sitting in my sump tank.

    I will post a pic tonight at least you know what it is like.

  6. Using C3001 model. Mime is still fine tunning. But so far Cal is too high at 500 ppm but KH still trying to balance at 12 dkh .. so far morning and night difference is always 2 dkh usu reach home in the evening the dkh drop to 8 or 9 dkh.

    Co2 bpm is at 2/sec. effluent dkh is about 27 to 28 dkh and 5 bps.

    mg is about 1500 ppm.

    The dkh demand is really a challenge .. a friend of mime suggest to me using another cal reactor ;) anybody having the same thought ?

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