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little bull

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Everything posted by little bull

  1. Besides zao, blasto... I also in love with.... tada.. Acan
  2. My precious pc. it has 3 plate corals, Green star polyps and F.ric. Actually should have 3 rics there. However, got stink by the plate. Thus got to remove from there.
  3. Hi Bro Fishtalk, Remember this? I would say it is combination of plate and monti
  4. 2) Yellow centre and red skirting. ($30)- 1 frag available niah.
  5. Hi, self collect at Changi or Mrt station nearby. Interested PM me. 1) Tonga Pink ($25)- 2 frags avilable The whole polyps is light pink. Picture taken under 2 white and 2 blue T5 HO light.
  6. Yah, you would have a lot of restriction for searching 1.5ft lighting. The best way is change the tank, solve all the headache immediately.
  7. Possible. I also keep chaeto in my main tank. Not I wish to but got no choice. Got no sump tank Just that, I dun use betta box, blocking my view as my tank is only 2ft. guess got no a big problem for your 4ft. You got more space to hide the b.box.
  8. Noticed the page lost its auto-refresh function. Do you all faced the same problem like me? Or something wrong with my laptop??
  9. FTS. Still in the process of clearing some zoas to accomodate new coral.
  10. No need in the hurry to top up with many LR. IMO, start to get some softies/ corals to fill up the space. Dun forget, some already attached with LR I would suggest to get start polyps and mushroom for you tank. they come with intense green and many many colour too:yeah: Besides, if you plan to have zoa, I do have some zoas for sale. If you want, drop me pm then maybe can oso come to my place to c c look look too.
  11. 2nd one available again. Buyer didnt get back. upz
  12. Wish you all a healthy and wealthy 2007 Happy New Year to all Bro & Sis out there
  13. Update: 2nd Zoa no more. Will frag bigger frag (ard 40 polyps) for the 3rd Zao. Trading oso welcome.
  14. Imagine you hv just finished a big bowl of maggie mee then go to sleep immediately, .... my past experience was I puke all I had eaten in the middle of the night.... Okie, enuf rubbish. But I wld apply the same theory to the corals too. Also, depend on how big pc of meaty stuff (I suppose it is Prawn meat) you feed to them. Small small one should be save. I used to feed my L. acan when light is off. Less disturbance from fishes ma... Btw, why ichy hand switch off the light? Seeing the corals eat up all the foods is enjoyable man...
  15. dun forget, I also pro in... cannister ma.. hahahaha... (if you ask me abt sump tank, then )
  16. Another possibility is the twisting tube that block the outlet
  17. The cannister's tube seen like twisting ler.. or it looked like twisting huh?? I am quite sure it is something wrong with the cannister. Could be you have put too much of media or stuff like that inside caused the water stuck. (inlet and outlet inbalance) Why not you off your canniter and readjust the media inside, ensure it does not block the outlet.
  18. NO clam No SPS, but got all these.... My old old tank shot With just a $5 air-stone skimmer and 4 NO T5
  19. I throw a bag of rowa into my cannister niah, but think it does not work out to its fullest potential cos still can see some algea inside my tank But, lazy to rectify it, I am not to pro into the equip. Before I bought T5 HO, I only used 4 T5 NO, but dun like it altho my corals are fine. I prefer the current HO as my tank look brighter and I can keep some SPS too. As for burning of coral... dun noe ler, so far so good, Some even doing better when I moved them near to the lighting. FTS got to wait a while, now... very very cramp, not nice Dun want to post urgly pic to scare ppl lol
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