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Everything posted by pommie

  1. Hi could you post the model details of the tank equipment. I'm new to this hobby and would like to check out the consumer reviews before I buy. If any reefers have any comments regarding the equipment and maintenance they would be appreciated. Also could anybody tell me how much it would cost to have somebody dismantle and re-assemble the tank & Equipment? Thanks
  2. I feed by fish in the morning and evening with cyclopeeze. It always seems to get eaten apart from a fe bits that stick to the glass tank. I also notice that my cleaner shrimp swims upside down on the service of the water to get the flake when I feed them. Is this a sign that Im undrefeeding or are they just being greedy? Thanks
  3. I'm interested, but can you post a picture of your stand. Thanks
  4. Well if there are no teak cabinets, has anyone see any that are visually very pleasing and dont look like they have come from IKEA (not that I have anything against IKEA furniture). I dont mind spending a lot of $$$ on a cabinet and would consider a 3ft too.
  5. I'm trying to convince the wife to let me upgrade to a 4ft tank but it must go with the rest of her furniture. Do you know if there are any cabinets that are made from Indonesian teak wood? or does anyone have one to sell? Thanks
  6. Sorry, Ive circled it now.
  7. Is this still for sale? If so how much?
  8. There is a pink spongy or slimy looking thing on my rock. Any Idea what is is?
  9. I'm new to this hobby and have just setup my 1st tank. I have a few questions I'd appreciate help with:- My setup 24x12x18 10Kg of Live rocks 3" of Sand and crushed coral ViaAqua Multi skimmer (non UV version). Live Stock 1 x True Percula 1 x Striped Damsel 1 x Bocolour Blenny 1 x Cleaner Wrasse 1 x Spotted Cardinal 1 x Boxer shrimp The tank has been cycled for some time now and the fish were introduced over the weekend. Nitrate levels are fine, the fish seem quiet happy and are feeding well. Questions: 1. How do I know if I have my Viaaqua setup correctly? How should I setup the water flow i.e maximum water throughput or less? Would it harm the coral thats trying to grow from my live rock if the water is directly over it? 2. How do I know if the skimmer is setup correct? It appears that its working fine and dirt is being collected in the chamber, but I dont know if the air mixture is correct? 3. The fish dont seem to accept the wrasse cleaning them and I dont see the wrasse feeding like the others, is this a problem and do I need to feed it anything special? 4. It looks like an adult and baby Emerald crab hijacked my live rocks, Ive not had any hassle from them so should I leave them were they are? 5. Im paranoid about over feeding the fish, but I'm not exactly sure how much I should feed them? I give them a small pinch in the morning and one in the evening and the fish all come up to feed. There doesnt appear to be any left over food other than what sticks to the glass above the water. I'm feeding them freeze dried cyclop-eeze. Thats it for now. Thanks again for the advice.
  10. Thanks, i'll try them together and see how it goes. OK Anyone selling a couple of blue Legged hermit crabs?
  11. just got back from Reborn and no dwarf hermit crabs. Any other recommended Marine shops other than PR? Also whats the advice on the boxer? Will it fight with any new cleaner shrimps?
  12. Also If anyone coudl tell me if my existing boxer shrimp would cohabit with a couple of cleaner shrimps? Thanks
  13. Does anyone know whereI can buy a couple of blue legged hermit crabs? The 3 shops in Pasir Ris I went to have no stock and told me that they sel very fast? Thanks
  14. Without sounding lazy (as I am searching honest!). Can anyone direct me to a web site that has descriptions and possibly pictures of potential hitch hikers identifying what is good and what is bad? Alternatively give me an idea of signs to look out for as they critters only seem to come out at night! Thanks again
  15. is there any way to know what is good and what is bad? My son was saying he could here a click click noise last night, and this morning only 1 snail was visible. Could it be possible that I have a mantis or pistol shrimp?
  16. Well I've just learnt one valuable lesson and that is don't trust the sales guy in the LFS! I brought 6Kg of supposedly "cured" rocks which were very expensive. The guy told me I could simply add them to my tank as they had been scrubbed, cleaned, cured etc. I guess I should have realized that they weren't cured by the plants growing out of them. Anyway, after a few hours last night I turned the lights on only to see what looked like a small rock to the sand bed, which I can only assume was some seriously camouflaged crab (it was about 1" and looked green and fury). I then found another crab, living inside another crevice. Several snails had also appeared. And there is this white/pinkish jello type organism stuck to one of the rocks, it's about 0.5" by 0.2" and doesn't move. Sorry I don't have any pictures. Anyway, I just wondering whether I should just leave everything as it is and let the tanks cycle or remove the rocks, scrub them and leave them in the sun for a while? Also will the snails climb out of the tank? I only have a light strip and not a fully hood. Advice for a newbie appreciated.
  17. Dont worry, I wont be adding anything to the tank until Ive obtained expert opinions & read up via online articles. The BT and MI will definitely be left out. Ive just purchased another 6.5 Kg of Live rock, so will add that tonight and keep monitoring the levels. The more I research the more I realise that I should have gone for a tank double the size with a totally different setup, I guess that will be my goal once Ive established a stable setup with this one and learnt from it. I dont think I will have adequate lighting or chilling this time for any corals so I will probably stick with the butterfly fish. If any of you want to suggest a couple more fish that maybe suitable and compatible with my setup I'd appreciate it. Thanks again for the help.
  18. Ive been reviewing other tank setups on this site and notice that there are several 2ft tanks hosting blue tangs. If I left out the moorish Idol and replaced with a neon blue goby woudl that be ok? Thanks
  19. Thanks for the advice. The guy at the LFS did actually tell me to go back this weekend and add in another load of rocks, so I'll add another 6kg. Do you have any suggestions as a replacement for the Tang and Moorish Idol? Are both of these completely out of the question? Is it not possible to have young, smaller fish for a temporary period? Also what sand critters would you recommend? Are sea slugs ok to keep? I remember seeing a bright blue one at PR the other day? Thanks
  20. Hi I'm new to this hobby and appreciate any advise you can offer. I'm in the process of setting up a Fish and Live rock only tank. The Tank is 24" x 12" x 18" I have approx 3.5KG of Live rocks I have about 3" of Sand and crushed coral. I have a Via Aqua multi Skimmer I plan to add the following fish when my tank has cycled. 1x Clown fish 1x Regal Blue Tang 1x Moorish Idol 1x Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish 2x Skunk Cleaner Shrimps 1x Blue legged hermit crab I wanted to check if my tank is adequately setup for this stock? Are the above fish compatible with each other? Would you recommend I add or remove anything? Also I was considering buying an Iceprobe Chiller, do you know if its possible to fit it into the Multi-Skimmer or would I need to drill holes in my tank? Once my tank has fully stabilized and I was considering purchasing a sea anemone. Assuming I have installed the chiller, what type of lighting would I require? Many thanks
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