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Everything posted by Angelluv

  1. (15/09/05) just add in bateria starter to let it create in my setup... Run wif my t5light...
  2. My latest update for my 3 small yellow tang under qt fine frm last fri (09/09/2005) until today they are damn healthy eat like pig...
  3. Anybody can please help me i nt sure wat to put in my sump... This my latest pic for my sump.. (12/9/2005)
  4. Hi anyone interested to help me wif my rock scape...
  5. This my 3 small yellow tang that my dad give me as present... They are under qt by me nw...
  6. Hi anybody know hw to do scaping rock as valley... can anybody show me or come and help me do... For my sump wat can i put inside...
  7. Reef salt is good so i can keep coral... My frenz ask me to put in first compartment for my carbon...
  8. My sump that just add carbon in my first compartment and the pump for skimmer and chiller... Waiting for my brakket in the same time...
  9. My Main tank wif thin sandbed... (10/9/2005)
  10. Anybody is kind enough to tell me wat i can put in my sump i try alot things before and i lost alot tangs except angels...
  11. My sump compartment 1 to let the overflow dwn... Wat shd i put there...
  12. My Sump... Is my refugium thick enough...
  13. 9/9/2005 Just add in salt, My Main Tank pic added...
  14. 9/9/2005 Just add in salt, My Main Tank pic added...
  15. Hi Thanks bro i had try the way i kill some liao is it ok to put the whole rock in hot water?
  16. Anybody know wat is this shown in pic... How to get ride of it...
  17. U think u all english very good heh... his a cheater means a cheater sell ppl dying fish... Say is no air...
  18. Ya correct can swim but swim in a hard way ich correct u say little when i seen it is damn alot... its u that cheat ppl lo... i treat it the money i give to the dead in 7mth to u...
  19. He say the ich little bit only and its suffering i bring up straight away lie down dun u think he know the fish dying yet he cheated ppl money... no matter wat anybody out there dun buy from this person its dangerous he say wan to go police...
  20. hello mod its him cheated ppl money sell ppl dying fish...
  21. Hello dead means dead ok and u sell ppl dying fish is u wrong ok...
  22. Hello if the fish dun have problem why i sms u at onces...
  23. The fish swim a bit problem actually i ask u why he breath so hard u say nt enough air... just return me half la...
  24. Hello u sell a dyng fish lo... ask u for half return also cannot... sell ppl dying fish are u sure a nt cheat ppl...
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