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Everything posted by lead28

  1. bro.. is my tomato clown doing well in your tank?
  2. Sealife have very good specimen of Blue Tang, mid size is ard $20 and they actually feed them on the spot so that you can choose one youself. Get from there is definitely a good choice.
  3. upz... anybody giving away or letting go? please let me know cos need a algae eater.
  4. bro.. i pm him too.. guess the black one already taken too.
  5. i am looking for 1 hermit crab to clear algae on my live rock, any bro.. letting go, kindly pm me, thanks
  6. looking for someone to adopt this fish, if interested, PM me. Self collect at Sengkang.
  7. don't mind trading too for small fish, invertebrates : hermit crab, star fish etc. tomato clown is fat and healthy feeding on pellets.
  8. don't mind trading with hermit crab etc.
  9. still avail for trade
  10. any bro interested, collection : Sengkang. $3. Fat and Healthy
  11. Hi, I have a 3 inch approx tomato clown to swap. Any reefer interested can indicate the swop option. Don't mind anythings but prefer small. Thanks
  12. Hi bro, if the guy missed the collection, can i have it? I can collect from you in Sengkang. Thanks
  13. Thanks bro for your kindness offer
  14. bro, i was in this hobby 3 to 4 years ago and i still see my tank pic in this forum using my nick as marinesavy and own a JBJ 24g previously. After years, can't even remember the tank cycling procedure. Anyway, thanks for your info. BTW, since i removed the market prawn and added fishes, now since all gone, should i need to put any dead fish or market prawn again? Guess the longer the cycling process result in a better stable tank in future. So.. i think i will leave the tank till after CNY.
  15. Hi, any reefer kind comment and assistant will be appreciated. I am setting up a 12 gal tank. This is the 2nd week of tank cycling. This is what i did. First Week (Day 1) Added salt water, live sand and market prawn and start the cycling. Second Week (Day 6) Added live rocks, removed the market prawn and relucantly gotten 2 clown fishes from my friend knowing that cycling tank is still in progress . Added the clown fishes and everything's since fine and fishes was also feeding. This is the 13th days of tank cycling the tank, this morning, both fish died. I was wondering any reefer could give me some comment of what should i do next? Am my tank in this stage now? At this stage nitrite will start to peak. Nitrite is also very toxic to the fishes. Again we have to wait for another batch of bacterials to grow in population to bring nitrite level down. When this bacterials are sufficient in numbers, the nitrate will boom so slowly nitrite will be undetectable. Can anybody advise?
  16. Hi, i am looking for these following fish and invertebrate. Anybody letting go, please pm me. Prefer to deal in Sengkang Area. Thanks.
  17. Hi, i am looking for small live rocks for my 12g tank, anybody giving way or would like to let go for a token of appreciation, kindly contact me at 97768681. Thanks. Prefer location in Sengkang.
  18. all items sold - thread close
  19. Have been quite a while since the last time i come in, anyway.. due to my busy schedule, i am still holding to all this stuffs. Anyway.. going for cheap sale of $20 for all. Collection Sengkang. Purigen/ Rowaphos - 1/4 full for both - $5 Marine Buffer - 99% full - $6 Deep Six Hydrometer - $6 Seachem Entice - more than 50% full - $4 Seachem Prime - 50% full - $3 Nitrate Tester - more than 50% full - -$4 Coral reef Salt - left 4.5 kg.. going for $10 extension pipe for sale - $3
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