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Posts posted by Brunei

  1. Reefer bros,

    Thanks a lot for the feedback and assistance on my plight.

    From the pics attached by the kind reefer bros, i really really cannot justify if its flatworm.

    Dun worry i will take some close-up pics and post it tommorow.

    Once again, thanks so much guys for the help.

  2. Dear bros,

    I hope you guys can help me on this.

    I've noticed that most of my corals have crimson dots and pacthes on their flesh.

    I keep elegance, bubble, open brain and i realised this 'disease' on all of them.

    Anyone experience this before?

    Kindly share with me if you seen this phenomenom before.


  3. Thanks to all the bros with the kind advice and suggestions.

    I will try to place a mirror and continue to use low light until the fighting subsides.

    Went home for lunch today and seems like they are leaving the PT alone already. Maybe sien liao..

    Oh and also, i got a Box Fish (Black with white spots). I duno the exact name. I house it in the sump for few days temporary, but died yesterday.

    Once again, thanks to all bros who helped me on this.

    Will update again.

  4. Tank is 3 X 2.5 X 2.5 which i think is small for my tangs.

    I have 3 sub-species of the Zebrasomas species i.e. YT, PT, Scopas which are all of the same shape and this sure leads to aggressiveness among them.

    But i just love the Zebrasomas coz they're like underwater horses (Their snout)

    Sigh..how i wish they get along well.

    Impossible to use arcylic sheets la due to the rock works. This tank is tall than elongated..

    I read up that PT are most aggressive of the Zebrasomas, but opposite in this case.

    Even the Blue Tang (Dory) is bullying him.

  5. Bro in future when you add fishes would be good to add them after lights out. Also can do some rescaping to help in reducing potential aggression.

    How critical is your purple tang? If it looks really bashed up, I would suggest taking out the yellow and blue tang into the sump for the next 1-2 weeks to let your purple tang settle down. Or if your tangs respond well to mirrors, can use that method too.

    Thanks bro Comycus and Vtec for your kind feedback early in the morning.

    It would be rather difficult to take the bullies out of the tank as i have to remove all the live rocks (so much work to do and time needed)

    The PT's fine are slightly torn but for now still not too severe.

    But if he gets too bashed up, no choice but to take out the rocks, extradict the bullies and rescape the whole tank. Sigh..

    I may try to use a mirror to divert the bullie's attention to fight their own reflection and give the PT some healing time.

    Hope it works. Will continue to monitor the brawl for few days first and see how it turns out.

  6. Dear reefers,

    Hope you can help me solve this problem.

    My existing tank consist of a Blue Tang, Yellow Tang and 3 Clowns.

    Problem is when i introduced a new purple tang, the YT and BT kept bullying him, nipping at his fin and keep cornering him.

    I've off the main lights for now leaving only a dim moonlight on at all times.

    How do i solve this problem?

    Will the bullies get bored of him soon and leave him alone or will they jump on him till he mati?

    Thanks in advance.

  7. Bro Kiko, yes i dive to collect those corals. Quite an array to choose from actually (Hammers, Elegance, Bubbles, Blastos, Open Brains). But avoid stuffs like Anemones, Goinoporas and hard to keep long term ones. I also broke off a small frag of brown SPS to try out in the tank. Will post some pics of the my future diving trips.

    Bro Desideria, the local reef macam a personal LFS. Can pick and choose. But to capture fish needs more skills. Very fast and need 2-3 dive buddies.

    One question, will my SPS thrive ?

    Lighting are retrofit 10K 150W MH + 20K 75W MH + 72-120W of Actinics.

  8. I had a copperband too but it perished after 2 months in my newly setup tank. It never wanted to eat anything except for ocassionally pecking on live-rocks for tiny inverterbrates. Tried mysis, brineshrimp, mosquito larva etc but to no avail. I even used an cut inverted soda bottle and drilling multiple holes and putting live foods inside. Never tried blackworms though, but heard it works. Chelmons are difficult unless in a big tank with lots of live rocks to hide from bullying and stress-free enviroment. Mine seems to be very stressed-out and nervous since the first day of introduction. A very bautiful fish for advance keepers...

  9. Bro Jervismun,

    So sorry to hijack ur thread.

    My anemone seems to like cover my crocea making it unable to open up.

    Note the anemone base stretching over the mantle of the clam? <_<

    Anyone know how to send it away? (Not to the power head of coz)

    Maybe blowing it with the pwr head might cause it to move elseway..

    U guys reckon?


  10. Thanks bro Fuel.

    I kinda lost hope for my gonios of ever extending their polyps again..

    Anyway, will try to change water this week end..

    Will changing half of the water cause any adverse effect on my LS?

    Also i cant change much as my clams are placed on the very top part of the rocks...dont want it to coem in contact with air.

    Thanks bro fuel for the info. cheers...

    A pic of my tank..


  11. Dear dleecool bro,

    Sorry about that!!

    I guess i had a bad day at office today.

    Paiseh bro..

    Bro Iantoh,

    Lol. Thanks.

    U know my Gonios, sigh!

    All not opening liao leh.

    Why like dat one?

    Open also open 1cm like that...

    Sien man...

    The Lobo i caught it while fishing!

    My line got snag while fishing over a reef top and i puleld up what i thought was a rock! Out pops a free Lobo for me. lol..

    Next week, might bring my diving mask and check out whats there is at the reef.

    Once again bro dleecool, paiseh about what i said.

    sorry for my rudeness..


  12. Hi bros,

    Just wondering, for those who have kept this bi-valve b4..

    How long do they manage to thrive in a closed system?

    Mine disintegrate already. It deteriorate as each days pass untill

    a stage where both shells are not able to close properly, tentacles

    also becomming shorter. Hope to hear from those who have kept this

    scallop sucessfully. cheers.

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