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Posts posted by stix

  1. need to decide the size of tank together with the filtration system u are using .

    brand of salt is very important as i saw some fresh water LFS packed packet of salt claiming sea salt without any brand. nobody want a unstable ph or impurities in their tank.

    brand like marine environment / tropic marine are no doubt one of the best salt. but they come with higher price. corallife is great in my opinion after switching from red sea which i think it's the minimum trusted brand u should go for .

    skip the floating hydrometer . give u headaches and eye strain . use a hydrometer at least . for super accuracy , use refractometer .

    actually red sea have this package in a box where there are 10 kg of salt , 1 hydrometer and several testkit and addictives which i think cost around 45 dollars at one of our sponsor shop for starter.

    sand will be difficult to maintain but with sand u can watch some sand dweller intrigue behaviour , pistol shrimp. for aestatic purposes . DSB works to remove nitrate in a stable system but seemingly it can accumulate undesirable toxin too if not properly maintain. as for mi , i go for the hardworking way, change water every week lor . and i have minimun sand for my viewing pleasure , seem more natural with white sandbed . it's a personal preference.

    choice of skimmer will determine ur water quality to a certain extent. personally i prefer prizm because it's sleek and hang on, i have no sump . i feel a minimum of weipro series is needed . actually once upon a time i was using weipro 2213 for my 2 feet. with the correct tuning and pump, it can skim out good skimmate too.

    choice of lighting is important for coral. read up more . should include ur setup wih at least a fan / chiller if u intend with coral.

    cycle period depend on a lot of factor. e.g cure live rock.

    otherwise after a peak of ammonia, will come a peak of nitrite, then nitrate will slowly increase . only when ammonia and nitrite zeroed, ur cycling is complete.

    stock slowly . read more on the intended fishes and coral before buying .

    generally in this hobby, the more exorbitant an equipment is , the better/ more durable , more effective it is ...sometimes it's the brand that command high price too.

    get to know a few friends with the same hobby especially in SRC to guide u.


    Thanks for your advice guys!

    I just got coralife salt and some test kits yesterday~ still short of PO4.

    Still waiting for a 2ft tank and skimmer.

    Yup, I also prefer a sand bed. Looks nice IMO. :)

    Been reading these few days.. Siong sia :P

  2. Ok, Thanks! Updated the equipments.

    Things needed

    a. Tank

    b. Skimmer weipro 2011

    c. Powerhead ?

    d. Sands

    e. Salt Coralife

    f. Test kits - NO2, NO3, NH3, PO4

    g. Lights

    h. hydrometer/refractometer

    Why barebottom? It only helps in reducing maintenance? Yup, will be getting weipro 2011.

    I see that yours is a 24"x18"x20" - which is around3+ft, is it still regarded as a nano?

    Are you using a sump?

  3. Hi, I'm new to marine & reef. I would need some help from you all for setting up a nano reef. :) Ok, from the info what I gathered so far, these are the steps need in setting one.

    Things needed

    a. Tank

    b. Skimmer?

    c. Powerhead?

    d. Sands

    e. Salt

    f. Test kits

    Steps to set up

    1. Prepare salt and mix in water.

    2. Set up skimmer.

    3. Add sands. Deep Sand Bed?.

    4. Add live rocks, cycle the tank for around 1 month.

    5. Start to add corals

    Can anyone enlighten me if i made any mistake? Or did i miss out any important items? Thanks in advance! :D

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