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Posts posted by foocha

  1. if nobody minds me saying.... that guys an idiot. PERIOD .

    a utter disgrace to singapore by and large.

    he should be banned from this forum for such conduct.

    if he does it in that forum, no reason why he wont do it elsewhere, succeed, then sell the illegally bought corals/fish and sell it to reefers here, inevitably turning sg reefclub into a black market hot spot.

    i hope mod realize how serious this is and take appropriate action.

  2. just wana add that octopus are escape artists. careful not to let them go into overflow, down into sump where they might die...

    and as bro weesy74 said, mimic octo needs large swimming area... better to get normal reef octos that are more accustomed to reef scapes..

  3. Hahaha! One of my maroon clowns fought with a newly introduced leather coral - and lost.

    Nice tank by the way, the GO live rocks are very nice and realistic, should have considered them when I was setting up. I treated my rocks with CO2 for 3 weeks and QT for further 3 weeks cos I hate crabs and worms! You're using black sand? How come there's traces of white sand here and there?

    1st layer of sandbed is original white sand... i evened it out, placed live rocks, filled back portion with coral chips.

    front portion i covered with about 1 " black sand....

    however.. when water was delivered, they messed up sandbed.. sob.... it was too diff to redo the whole sandscape so i let it be....... tank when havent filled with water was really beautiful... black base would have really brought out colors of corals....oh well..

    so far my maroon still good boy.. no messing with corals... but displaying some very interesting behaviours..

    the bigger maroon will rush towards the smaller one.... only to stop right in front of small maroon..

    small maroon will then frantically flap fins and 'kiss' ( mouth at the gills and nibble !!! ) big maroon.. very cute... happens at least dozen times day...... wonder what it means....

  4. hey bro a word of advise i tink ur algae is gonna b disastrous if one of the many bunches of algae fly n land on your rocks its very diff to pluck them out..

    mayb u wan to put the algae if remover else where?

    add more kalwaser n calcium to your tank to perk the purple algae grow

    its easier to pluck out the green algae when grown on purple algae.

    do u intend to keep any glass cleaners inverts or fish?

    i tink your wishlist currently all availble in spore lehz..

    if nt in lfs den some reefer breeder hse lolx..

    tank still relatively new so coralline not yet in full motion... am running cr and dosing kalk every week to maintain calcium level.. but i dun keep that many sps...so should not be depleted so fast right?

    i just bought some turbo snails...5 to be exact.. will monitor to see if they can handle the job.. if cant them more snails and definitely a FR.

    my wish list is simple.. but previous experience in keeping tangs very horrible hence really want to buy matured fish from bros online..... dun wana kill anymore fish.....

  5. if u dun want your centre clam to get stuck with algae i suggest u shift the spot..

    unless u intend to do weeding?

    thnx for the head up... did not know that this green algae sticks to stuff.... bought it from iwarna cos wanted some flowy greens in tank....

    will either reposition things or remove altogether.....

    in any case is it harmful to the clams or other corals if they are surrounded by this green algae??

  6. i would just like to add that although i know maroon clowns when big do silly things like knocking corals off....my 2 maroons are still small so havent encountered that..

    but im sure when that day comes.. it will be a very tough decision to give them away....

    THEY EAT FROM MY HAND @!!@!@!!@ how cute is that... ive put my hands in soooooooooooooo much that they've gotten use to it already....

    now whenever i put my hand in.. they think its got food and swim lazily towards my fingers....adorable...

    will definitely try to get apic of this though it will be hard...standing on ladder.. one hand in tank.. body bend over.. other hand with camera remaining steady.... :blink:

    will most prob keep them no matter what.. even if they knock XXX corals over..... :P :P

  7. currently the livestock in the tank are as follows

    2 X maroon clowns

    1 X neon goby

    1 X fire goby

    1X yellow wrasse

    4 X cleaner shrimp

    1 X box shrimp

    4 X sexy shrimp

    2 X red starfish

    1 X pink striped brittle starfish

    am intending to get the following livestock very soon

    1 X yellow tang

    1 X purple tang

    1 X blue tang

    2 X ocelleris clown

    2 X black clown

    2 X mandarin

    1 X firegoby ( to pair up! :rolleyes: )

    1 X powder blue tang

    1 X long nose hawkfish

    any reefers that have my wishlist for sale pls pm me !!!!!!! :thanks::thanks::thanks:

    equipment wise intend to get a fr to run rowa.... po4 is not gettin good....

    thats all for now... time for work....to sustain my hobby :paiseh:

  8. jus wana share some pics of my tank..

    its gone through 3 rescapes... alot of wet floors... alot of back pains.....

    tank is a 4x2x2.

    running a 1262 as return...

    a atman 500l/h to feed chiller and 2nd return

    heliea 1/2 hp chiller set on 26 deg.c

    beckett 32 " skimmer on rio 20

    custom cr

    2 X 150w mh running 7hrs a day

    actinic blue running when i wana on it

    70% of rocks are fake rocks bought from GO..pretty good..

    heres a fts.... havin a bit of algae bloom hehe


  9. bought frm a reefer about 3 mths ago for my qt tank...

    but now no more qt tank as going more into corals...

    working fine but buyer gota scrub the dead coralline growth !!!!

    bought at 30

    letting go at 25.

    contact 938 58 051 to deal pasir ris on wkends, sengkang/punggol weekdays.



  10. hello.,

    i recently cleaned my becket skimmer and after restarting... the air intake is significantly reduced...

    compared to last time the air in reaction chamber is probably only 30% of what it used to be...

    ive tried adjusting everything possible adjustable thing but nothing seems to work !!

    also im new to becket skimmers.. using 1 mth only..

    any kind souls living near punggol/hougang/sengang can spare one evening come my home take a alook???? ill provide dinner and transport man !!

    help !!!

  11. hello.,

    i recently cleaned my becket skimmer and after restarting... the air intake is significantly reduced...

    compared to last time the air in reaction chamber is probably only 30% of what it used to be...

    ive tried adjusting everything possible adjustable thing but nothing seems to work !!

    also im new to becket skimmers.. using 1 mth only..

    any kind souls living near punggol/hougang/sengang can spare one evening come my home take a alook???? ill provide dinner and transport man !!

    help !!!

  12. Thanks Bro FOOCHAR for your words of wisdom .

    In relations to that I would like to say ...

    " Dear bro Jem I am sorry for all this nonsense cause by me

    so here is me saying I'M SORRY 1st "

    Looks like there is 2 other buyers who have problems with u too go reply them and sort it out dude



    you are indeed a 'big heart ' guy !!

    You want some zoas? and mayb mushies... im rescaping my tank so got some stuff wana giveaway... i stay punggol btw.

  13. Would like to share my 0.0001 cent worth of thoughts on the matter.

    Selling/buying anything online is always a risk. one that all undertakes when doing so.

    I believe that throughout the course of a buyer's/seller's trading life, it is inevitable to encounter

    less than pleasant situations.

    I also believe that everybody, to a certain extent, is guilty of being a 'pilot' ( im guilty 2! ) one time or another.

    In being a seller, it is sometimes very tempting to sell to a higher/easier/friendlier buyer though other commitments

    have been made to 1st buyer(ive been tempted before!)

    As with practices of all business trades it is always basic knowledge to always be impartial and never personal.

    In this regards, I would like to say to Bro thegrinch that Bro jem maybe young, but were you not once young too?

    Continuous flaming remarks like calling him 'kid' is totally uncalled for. If you consider yourself much higher in statue in age to him then

    the proper conduct would be to EDUCATE him the proper method of conducting a sale, especially since you say your area of specialty is in Sales.

    To Bro Jem, I think the proper way of dealing with the manner would have been to honor your commitment via an announced reservation period, followed by an sms/email/post that reservation period has lapsed and item will be offered to next buyer. While this may not satisfy all, it is the proper way and properly documented and in accordance with proper selling ethics.

    I do however find fielding this post a little uncalled for as there have been no public defamatory remarks made by bro thegrinch towards bro jem prior to this post. Also in fielding this post, bro Jem while I understand that harsh words may or may not been exchanged between the two of you in private correspondences, you are actually unknowingly/knowingly publicly attacking Bro thegrinch's online credibility and character. Hence, even though you might or might not be a victim initially, you turned into the aggressor and have to expect a spirited/heated rebuttal coming from Bro thegrinch to defend his reputation.

    It would have been more prudent to post the details of the transaction WITHOUT stating names. In doing so, it would still protect buyer's interests ( in business publicly pulling down/criticizing a company's name invites a pot load of trouble), and also give Bro thegrinch the choice of whether to reveal himself and defend himself.

    It should also be noted that Bro Jem seems much more active in the community and hence would probably have more friends in this forum, it could be interpreted and assumed that this post is to garner support from friends in shooting down Bro thegrinch.

    I do not really think Bro thegrinch is a master pilot as he dares to post his picture on his profile. Such public sharing of personal information is not a trait of master pilots....

    Having said all this, to both Bros i say live and forget. We are all here to enjoy this wonderful hobby and should not use this site/forum to conduct online attacks. If Bro Jem you could apologize for publicly questioning thegrinch and Bro thegrinch apologize for calling Bro jem a kid, all would be settled and you two could even have a cup of nice kopi, and I would honestly buy both of you the kopi ! i have some free common zoas if you guys want also??? really @@!!!!

    my 0.00001 cents worth and good day to all !! hope everybody has a nice weekend going to lfs.... reborn has the most beautiful elegance i have ever seen orange tips!!.......hehe

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