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Posts posted by marvellous07

  1. Thanks for helping me sink buddy. Riding on my tank wasn't in the dive plan. ;)

    Six weights? No... I think you use more during your OWC. Or is it because you never deflate your BCD fully initally that's why you need more weights than your weight belt able to carry.

    Anyway, glad that you continue diving. Will inform you of any upcoming dive trips.

    yeap... 6... checked mi divelog.. i think u tot it was 12 cos its 12kg of weights.. yeah man... would love to go diving wif u again... we could watch man u match again together ay? hehe

  2. we just came back from perhentian for the project aware thingy.. i think u know.. mi sinn budi and norman went..

    we missed u man... i wanna dive again! thinking of getting basic equipment first, mask snorkel n stuff... i got exams and attachment... so i could be out this whole year.. but whenever possible i try my best to go... jus inform me few weeks in advance...

  3. "Loads of fat"... that helps.. Bob, one of the guy that took OWC with us was over 100kg... my best guess is 120kg.

    Guess what?

    He completed 200m faster that the rest of us. And can stay afloat for days...

    One problem is he can't sink. He needs over 12 weights to make him sink. ;)

    He is my dive buddy. Cool guy.

  4. yazid,

    i don't know reali... i wanna go but.. firstly, dunno if i can get the $$ in the first place... n i think i wanna do all the advance at once (i think it's better tat way)..

    but .. i wanna go. hehehe so fickle minded.. how bt u?

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