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Posts posted by yus75

  1. i remember some1 proudly posted tat he knew where our missing bro staying(the proudly word already been edited or deleted in tis thread) wen i start intending to withdraw tat time....can the guy pls come forward n pm me his add?? or pm me his no since i remember at tat time u seems supporting the missing guy.....

  2. Hi guys,

    My chiller died so need to buy a new one, was wondering if an over sized chiller is actually more or less energy efficient and the reasons why.

    I think it was talked about before some time back but I can't seem to find the thread.

    Anyone remembers?



    energy efficient not too sure.....but lifespan tink better cause it not goin to be over werk.....but imo a size above is recommended la....no need too oversize la....

    do take note all the contributing heat factors...n get a reliable chiller to save ur headache....

  3. Now the current problem has gone when I attach one cable to the chiller body and attach to nail to wall ...i test with the test pen so no current now ....so i think is a grounding problem not the leakage ....because when i brought my chiller to my friend house to test has no current at his tank ...

    abit funny eh...y ur frn house okie...but ur house no okie...?? but ur nail part i cant imagine how its look like hehe care any pic...??

  4. EErerrr...open house eh bang...??...

    heheh..bebudak kat sini ada liat sikit....

    aku buat meet-up dulu pun...

    yg datang...sekelompok je....

    ni pasal dah banyak kena air masin lah ni...

    tapi takpe...kalau sesiapa ada buat open house....

    abih nak jemput bebudak kat sini....


    kena tengok hari la......mudah2an klau off bleh la aku trun....

  5. ,Nov 11 2005, 11:55 AM] Personally I like Thumpers at goodwood park hotel.

    Girls there r pretty hot and guys there r not the' trying to hard' type. But If I 'm not wrong .. Guy age limit is 26 . girl i think is 23 ;)

    so long nvr go there.....mus go n c c lok lok wats happenin now....remember those heaven nites wen over there hehehehe

  6. bag putih biasa kat pasar punya.... BFG i give you three bag..... and yus i give you 1 bag ok???? sms me 91502745......

    okie but tak soon la nak colloect mayb mon.... tapi lagi idup binatang2 tak smpai mon pasir tu?? klau tak aku pass pada sapa yg bleh collect soon...

  7. Just 1 question for the mods.....when I login to this thread, it says that I have already voted for this poll. However, I did not even read the thread until now. Somehow, is there a breach in my pass word/ account such that someone has used my account to cast a vote? Anyway to check? :bow::off:

    bro do u accidently press null vote wen u open tis post?? if not i tink theres serious trouble if theres a breach...... :(

  8. over 40% keep the salinity at 1.025... i am a bit surprised by the results... i being keeping mine at abt 1.022 to 1.023 (measured using corallife deep six hydrometer). Recently dropped it to 1.021 and it seem that my fishes seem to be doing better at a lower salinity... and i heard fishes from indo-pacific do better in lower salinity water... hope to gather more info from this poll...

    Bro Lin, the links provided by you is very gd. :yeah:


    u b surprised @1.023 u using deepstick n wen use refractometer will give u a higher readin......worst wen using those like thermometer(aiya 4get the name)...tis wat i encounter lastime

  9. i got a 3ft "jail tank" wich consist the :evil: ...2 damsels veri fat, 1pair of maroon clown, female is quite huge n a koran.....dun ask me y i put them there instead of main tank.....cause they r :evil::evil::evil: in the main tank hahahaa....basically tis jail tank consist of LR only n overhead filter.....its been survivng for haf yr n no casualty had happen in there...water change once a mth w feedin twice aday w a cube of brine per seving....../ ;)

  10. BTW....kau ni Yus...semenjak dah kawin ni....

    malam-malam...banyak kau peh free time nak loggin eh....

    Kalau tak...asik merayap je....

    Kaki kena rantai ke....??...hehehehhehehehe


    kena rantai tu tak la hehehe.....tapi kena rantai tngah mlm bru kinky kan hehehe

    aku sama lagi....ok aku join nama aku bukan yus la kat sana hehehehehehe

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