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Posts posted by georgekoh84

  1. Running a barebottom with replica rocks. This combined with wavemakers will cause the replica rock structures to 'slide' away, therefore need a couple of live rocks to weigh it down, and also to seed the replica rocks. Because detritus is only produced on the live rocks, detritus produced becomes much lesser.

  2. Well a barebottom tank allows u to place a wavemaker at the bottom of the tank, to wash the detritus, dirt, sediments & waste at the tank bottom and attempt to keep most of them in suspension so they have a chance to enter the sump.

    With sand, most waste and dirt gets trap in the sand until they dissolve. However you get more places for copepods, amphipods & crustacean to breed and feed in. :P

  3. Careful application is highly recommended as the effects of incorrect application might be irreversible.

    Our typical tank glass has very small pores which allow algae to set in and thrive.

    With the application of RowaPolitus, this pores are effectively 'covered' to prevent algae growth.

  4. Sanders is the brand, Ozonizer is an equipment which has various uses. Basically it doses ozone to either fresh or marine water tanks. Ozone is produced in other equipment unknowingly too, like photocopy machines. Incidently, Ozone is produced during a lighting strike, this would remove unwanted pollutants in the air. Together with pouring rain which brings down dust, the after-rain air is clear and fresh :)

  5. DSB traps water pockets to create a anaerobic zone for cultivating bacteria that will digest nitrates to nitrogen gas, the truly last portion of the cycle. However because of the deep sand bed, sand stirrers are required to move the sand and release toxic gases in small portions before it reaches dangerous levels. Another advantage is using aragonite sand with would help buff the calcium levels in the water by a small percentile. Disadvantages is without sufficient sand stirrers, and if a large amount of toxic gas is released, all livestock would be wiped out. A thin sand bed gives a natural look to the tank, and also holds bacterias like liverocks does. Copepods and other tiny cruscateans can also thrive well within live sand.

    I personally think Nassarius snails, sand dollars are excellent sand sifters that spend most of their time underneath the sand, filtering unconsumed food.

    Correct me if im wrong pls.. :)

  6. Because I was considering on which lighting I should use. AquaIllumination is unavailable to Singaporeans, I tried emailing them to enquire already. From reviews on the net it seems that AI's fixtures are pretty much brighter than other led fixtures. If i'm not mistakened they are using Z-Power P4 LEDs. However as for where I found those websites from, there are located here


    As stated they seemed to be distributors of Seoul Semiconductor thats why I included them inside for you guys :)

    Future checking thru the website I found their global branch in Singapore. Not sure if its real or not


  7. A search from SEOUL website yield me this 3 companies in Singapore as distributors, cheers!

    Singapore AVNET www.avnet.com.sg/em/syc/ +65-6580-6179 +65-6580-6200

    Singapore Pascom Pte Ltd www.pascom.com.sg +65-6792-8212 +65-6792-8211

    Singapore Soanar Pte Limited www.soanar.com.sg +65-6271-8747 +65-6271-4737

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