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Posts posted by ady

  1. Wow...A big tank coming up...keep us posted.

    It's going to be fowlr or mixed?

    Btw, you may want to check whether yr resun cl650 can support yr tank of abt 700 litres. If not, it will prob take a long time to cool yr tank, considering 650 watts. Remember it supports up to 500 litres, not too sure.

    Actually i got this tank from a buddy of mine. He was keeping marine with corals

    as such. The whole tank including the lightings, skimmer and the resun chiller

    have been working fine for the past 4 years or soo. Successful setup I must say.

    So the chiller should work well with this tank.

    BTW, I will be keeping a fowlr tank. Too lazy to keep corals now after what happened to

    my previous 4 feet tank marine setup about a year ago..

    No worries, I will be updating on the outcomes of this tank.



  2. Hi...

    It have been a while sinced I have posted anything on this website...

    Just moved over to a new place.

    Just got a new fish tank and now cycling the water...

    Already put in the salts and benificial bacteria to quicken up the

    cycling process. Well enough said... here is my new tank.

    Planned to be a fish only with live rocks kinda tank.

    Got a skimmer running, salt used is a Seachem salt.

    Also got a Resun Chiller, not using for the moment.

    Any feedbacks are welcome...



  3. hi Bros...

    It have been a while sinced I have created anything in this forum...

    I have decommed my marine tank quite sometime back as I'm going to move house.

    As for my new house, I would like to have a partition wall with a tank in it with sump tank.

    Any bros or sisters out there who have any contacts to anybody who can make this kind of tank?

    I'll be much appreciated for all the help you guys and gals out there who can help me out here...

    Thanks in advance...



  4. Hi Bros...

    This is a rather silly question.... I have a 4 foot tank, a protein skimmer, with live rocks + fish (no corals). The thing is , is it advisable to turn off the protein skimmer at night and to turn on again in the morning. I mean, I am using a automatic timer to cut off the power at 12am and power on at 6am. From 6am to midnight, the skimmer will be on. Skimming is good as I can see the "frosty" bubbles with dirt around.

    My Protein skimmer is those type in the tank type. I do not have a sump tank.

    Bros, pls advise whether this is advisable as I don't want to risk the health of my darling fish....

    I am using 02 sets of Eheim 2217 which is running on 24/7.


  5. I have finally added white lamp in addition to my existing blue coral light.

    The end results are superb. The cauliflowers, well I have to thro away. It is giving me the creeps as when I touched it, it started to "dissolve" slightly.

    Did some water change after that. Here is my pics of my updated tank.

    By the way, my "round, bubble" (I don't know the name of that algae) is startling to bloom some yellow "flowers" I think...


  6. Ok....

    Bro johntanjm...

    By the way, any rough estimation how much the test kits would costs?

    Kinda on a tight budget nowadys, 2nd baby coming... he he he...

    As for Bro jacobus,

    Your advise is kinda confusing but makes sence...

    I'll try to put it where water movements are "everywhere"...


    By the way, as I've mentioned earlier, how to tell a dead coral and a alive one?



  7. Yo Bro iantoh and johntanjm,

    My tubeworms, mushrooms, Zoos, leather coral seems to be doing fine now

    sinced I've converted to only blue light. Infact, they seems to be blooming sinced I've used only blue light (Coral Blue, 30watt, , colour temp of 13000K) instead of using PL Lights (consists of white and blue bulb). My PL Lights breaks down on me a few days back. Sigh... $$$ to be spent again...

    Temp maintains at 30 degrees Celcius in this hot weather nowadays.

    But the thing is that my cauliflower coral is still limping. No improvement sinced

    yesterday. Heard around is that if the cauliflower coral still limps after 2 to 3 days, better to remove it from the tank as it will/ might cause water problems. Is it true?

    Is my cauliflower coral "dead"?

    The main question in my head is that, how do we know whether the corals are dead or alive? <<this is just for my infos, bro... he he he... Me curious...>>

    As for the location of my cauliflower coral, I have put stlightly below one of the the water diffuser (I'm using Eheim 2217, 2 sets, meaning 2 inlets and 2 outlets, and a Jebao protein skimmer). The tentacles of the cauliflower coral is swaying allright but still limping...

    As for the Salinity, maintainns at 1.023 to 1.024 always... and as for the pH ,dKh, NO2 and excessive NO3, sorry, I really have no idea what are those, bro...

    Sorry, I'm still a beginner here....


  8. Hi Bros...

    I am asking on the behalf of my brother who is also marine fish fanatic like us.

    The thing is, he has a well establish tank, fish, live rocks etc..

    He is moving out of the old house soon to a new location.


    After he sends the fish-tank to the new house, he will need to re-run the fresh tap water again, then add in the live benificial bacterias etc, which would take ages to mature the water.

    His existing fish/corals etc, how will they survive in the old house when all the necessary equiptments (skimmer/ pumps) which will be in the new house?

    If for freshwater fish, no problem...

    But you bros know the hassle to start again the saltwater cycles, huh...?

    Maybe I might sound complicated... but I guess, you guys know what I am talking abt.....

    Any ideas to overcome this situation quickly.

    My bro have abt 2 weeks to settle everything to his new house.


  9. Hi Bros...!!!

    I just gotten some corals, algae plant from Ah Beng's/ Aunty's shop

    (Pasir Ris Farmway) today. 1st thing 1st... they looked good...


    Pls help me identify this corals..

    2 of them actually...

    Both left side of my Zoos.

    Is it normal as both my leather corals are like... DEAD...now?

    When I bought them at the fish farm earlier today, they looked great.

    I went home straight after the farm visit.

    Now they looked like this.. <pic below>

    The long ones are limp to one side and my leather corals, all the tentacles are not showing...

    I have fed them together with my other corals, 5-in-1 coral food (with rotifiers)

    and on the lights (Blue 13000K) at least 10hrs already.

    they still looked like this.Pls help me to find a solution to my problem....

    Thanks in advance bros out there...


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