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Posts posted by monpire

  1. Bro chrislzh, can you check how many polyps each colony has...appreciate your help. I'm staying on the west side, so don't wanna drive all the way down to see.

    And dersuz, thanks for the advice. Btw, will you be having any of your frag sale coming soon? :D

    So, there are 2 of us anyone else wanna join in? No Fan fei ji okay :D

    (1) dleecool

    (2) Monpire

    (3) ?

    (4) ?

  2. Frankly, I do not agree with Uncle Muthu regarding the test kits thingy, nothing personal but he's having Rock and fish only. Ammonia and NO2 should be alright after the 8 weeks cycle. The amount of money for test kit could be spend on Live Rock to beef up his Bio-filtration, if the bio-filtration is good, than Ammonia and NO2 should not be any problem after the cycle period...(I do think it always better to have more LR of course the trade-off is the decrease in water volume). Furthermore, NO3 can be in good control if he does regular water change and control his feeding.

    Mag, Ca and N03 test kits are useful if he is keeping hard coral which he is not.

    When I started, I was so confused as which test kit to purchase, there are so many different brands, types and functions. Ultimately, I am only using Mag, Ca and N03 due to the nature of my tank.

    Electronic pH meter is a good investment as it gives quick and accurate readings.

    For what is worth bro, you may wanna get a good hang of this hobby before starting up the 1.5 ft tank. It is difficult to see the logical reasons you have for starting another tank since you have said that you are new to this hobby.

    Another thing, now is a good time to hunt for worms and crabs before more items are added into your thank.

    Happy reefing

  3. Bro, I agree with Sapp. I know it's exciting setting up your tank, however I do think you should slow down just a little, everybody has different views and hypotheses, not that anyone of them is not correct, but it is a case of different concepts and different needs.

    What I'm saying is that you need to know what you want to do with the tank and do your research before purchasing...this will save money and heartache. Do you want a Liverock and fish only, or fish and LPS and other combi.

    If I may point out, if you are thinking of having LPS, with equipment such as powerheads, pumps and skimmer, will the temperature goes up...if it does, you will need to invest in a chiller to keep the setup(I do remember that in some other posts you have written that you do not want any sump or chiller and etc...I stand to be corrected) :D

    Another thing, some prefer to use demsels to speed up...you can actually use liverock or a piece of prawn to do the trick...or even by the bacteria to add them in. Unless you really like demsels, you may find them as "pests"as you tank develop and mature.

    Worst if you purchase angels, they are likely to attack your corals. Bi-colour parrot fish will peck on hard coral and not soft due to the algae.

    The above are just some fruit for thoughts

    No offence intended, just my 5cents worth. :bow:

    Happy reefing bro

  4. bro bukitimah,

    I use marine snow by two fish, just 3/4 of a cup mix with tank water, twice a week by dripping. I switch off my mechanical filtration and turn on the power head for water circulation. Marine snow does not cause my nitrate to rocket up. Hope this help :paiseh:

  5. Bro bukitimah,

    There are alot of limitation for my tank, eg. cannot support Jewel and sun coral does not open fully as I can't over feed without skimmer...water will go bad.

    An it will crash easily, my 3 attempts with anemone without T5 light failed flat, last attempt took a few of my coral and fish...boo hoo hoo.

    My tank ($88) and hang-on filter ($60 each) I got it from Qian Hu, the small power head is when I feel marine snow to the corals (Twice a week).

    I also new to this hobby, hope what I've shared is of some use to you.


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