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Posts posted by kelstorm

  1. AT,

    that is not the same black tang that i saw.. but it was a much smaller one.. something which i think is around 15cm... anyway, the last time i was there, it was ard $150 and there was 2 of them and they are not for sale coz it had been booked by a overseas buyer as well as underwater world.. which means, time to visit underwater world!! hehehe..

  2. yes.. when i last visited that place months ago.. i was so captivated by the black tang.. i like the luminous blue streak on its back.. but the price set me back..

    Spiff, if u are reading this.. take a look at the black tang that i told u earlier.. it is not as ugly as u thought.. :P

  3. what i do is simply having the lettuce tied with a rubber band and secure it to the rubber sucker... those sucker clips from eheim... and leave it there for the tangs to feed... and those are for the loose stalks..

    when i get big bunch of lettuce, i simply force the slip into the stem of the veggie and then stick it onto the glass..

    yes.. my hands do get wet... and sometimes, my fiancee complain that my fishes are "smelling" my armpits... :ph34r: this is because i place the sucker deep into the tank...

  4. AT,.. perhaps u might want to consider DIY??? using timer or solenoid?? me not too good in electrical equipments... just thought of it as an alternatives.... always looking for ways to DIy if possible and of course, save costs.... :P

    spoke to Hon abt my pending tank (still on drawing board)... agree with him that divider tanks are pretty difficult to do and especially when my pending tank is gonna act as a divider column tank.. and to add on the surge or current makers, it is gonna take up lots of space.. after seeing your tank, me considering shifting the overflow out of the tank.. still trying to figure how to go abt doing it.. sigh :( ....

    btw, have u seen anybody with that sort of tank? perhaps can ask for advice...

  5. Hi guys,

    just like to find out,

    1. what brands of current generators do u ppl use?

    me using eden model.. can't recall the model though.. it is a wave maker..

    2. how many are u using?

    me using only one

    3. where and how do u direct the current?

    anybody using the alternating current solenoid? i seen it on magazine.. u can set the duration and timing for it to come on.. but i dun have any idea where to get it and how much it cost? AT, u using that? u are the gadget man.. so, i thought u might have seen it and using it as well.. :P

  6. for those who never been there.. it is huge!!!... and me not so sure whether do they entertain walk-ins... i went there with my friend once, who had contact with the boss.. u wun want to go to other LFS or FF after visiting that place.. u be spoilt for choice... and bring lots of $$$ (like 100-200) coz u would want this and that.. btw, if i remember correctly, they dun carry hard corals.. only softies... and rows and rows and rows of them.. u go berserk looking at them.. and u will wish that u have a 10-15ft tank in your living room... :P at least, that is how i felt....

    sorry not being able to join u guys.. preparing for my exams.. but it is indeed a good place to go.. but rather inconvenient thought... and no use asking me how to get there.. LCK is a maze to me.. ;) me was sitting behind and my friend woke me up when we reached there... :P

  7. AT, lionel is often found in company of babes.. hehehe.. must ask him to be the "GLO - Gals liaison Officer" for your house warming.. hahaha.. it will be a riot!!! :P

    Lionel, i tried that link after u anyhow hamp thum it out.. it leads to a search site.. but with some interesting details.. if u like.. hehehe :lol:

  8. well.. i'm using plastic buckets or containers with holes (used for holding stuff.. available at $1.99 shops) and use them as height raisers.. then i secure them using cable ties.. and then stack the rocks on top of them.. save tons of $$$ on LR and guarantee no dead space.. coz lots of room inside.. and fishes can use them to reside at night.. :D

  9. hongqixian,

    me is 27.. but studying.. so, no income.. :P nevertheless, i would rather take the cheaper alternative than to have to risk wasting LR.. they are firstly, more ex.. and secondly, getting rarer.. :D

    furthermore, to save further, i use plastic buckets to elevate the rocks and form the base of the reef.. so that under those reef structure, it is filled with buckets or containers.. it also provide rooms for fishes to hide.. :D

  10. hongxian,

    well, i do agree with u that to use fish to cycle is cruel.. but when it comes to the value of $$$ between fishes and LR, i would use a cheap fish to cycle... (i'm a poor student!!!) furthermore, i use mollies to cycle the tank.. it is even cheaper.. :D

    using LR to cycle.. if not done properly, the system might collapse.. this happened to me once when i first started out.. i used green chromis and a black molly (after converting it) to cycle my current tank and they are still swimming inside.. :lol:

    alternatively, what new aquatists can do is to ask from us, a handful of live sand to kickstart their system.. i gave some to my friends when they first started out.. for us, we can just top it up easily... :rolleyes:

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