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Posts posted by kelstorm

  1. 3v|L,Dec 12 2002, 01:10 PM]my height of the tank is 1.5 excluding the 4 inch dsb. so... not much worries. 20 kg enough?

    usually i dun know how much kg of rocks.. coz i just use enuff rocks to do my structure.. and not restricted to no. of kg of rocks.. u might find that 20 kg of LR might not be enuff to do up the reef..

  2. Friend's tank broke down(literally!), got some stuff he passed to me and I would be willing to give them away or trade if you don't feel good about taking something for nothing... :D

    - 3 african clowns

    - 1 bicolor dottyback

    - 1 coral banded shrimp (boxing shrimp)

    - 1 flame clown (still considering if I should adopt him)

    - 1 brown polyp colony (big)

    - 1 small rock with hair maiden algae ( very nice algae, but I think need lots of light, preferably MH)

    - 1 piece of LR, maybe 8 to 10 inches in length, quite nice.


    i'll take the clowns including the flame clown if u dun want them. can bring on sat?

  3. how to take pics when it is all set up?? nevertheless, i explain it.. just try to picture it.

    i purchase all the squarish or rectangular plastic containers with holes on it, then depending on the height that i want, i stack them up and use LR to weigh them down. then i use cable ties to secure them together and that will save me tons of money just buying LR.

  4. couldn't agree more.. anyway, this is the first time i heard that ppl use shrimps to cycle the tank... :blink:

    the jelly fish tanks that i saw in melbourne aquarium are circular tanks and they feed them with freshly hatched Brine shrimps and i do not see any filter except small holes where water flow back into the backdrop or wall and seeing them (jelly fishes) going in circles due to the water gushing out above... no LR or anything that sort..

    Agreed with AT, they should be left in the ocean or sea than in our tanks. i seriously doubt that we are able to provide the kind of food and environment that they required.

  5. wolfie,

    go for your medical checkup first. anyway, just to let u know, my friends who had sign up for airforce senior tech or some officer role, most left after their term is up.. coz of the way things are being handled high handedly. am i glad i got "chopped" off the course and send back to OCS to be trained in infantry..

    anyway, u have to know what u want.. and like what they say, go to BMT first then decide...

  6. hi fellas,

    for those who are interested in keeping seahorses.. there is this seahorse world in tasmania that u must go... need to find the namecard and website first..... was there to see how they keep them alive.. and their successful breeding and raising the frys of 95% is something commendable... such is the dedication.. just found out that a brood of seahorses frys can range from 250-450 frys.. but there is one record there which held at 1000+ from a mated pair if i can recall correctly...

    the website is www.seahorseworld.com.au

    hurray to conservation... a salute to these fellas...

  7. harlow...

    Ernest here...

    19+ tis yr...

    3rd Year Mass Comm student in NP... (pls don't hate me :( )

    Not much experience... Started onli tis year... Actually used my Ang Bao $ to start tis new & exciting hobby...

    I'm interested to get a PADI Open Water cert but can't find Kakis to go wif me & my best fren...

    Guess tt's all... I'm into swimming, soccer, PC Games.

    p/s: any rsaf/rsn personel here? wanna ask u guys s/t... finkin' of a possible career path...

    what u wanna know???

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