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Posts posted by kelstorm

  1. don't temp me! i ban myself from buying anymore fishes..........................for a while at least. :huh:

    unless i see tanzy's african variety!


    tanzy's lion is only mean for large.. and i mean huge acres of land or tank to house it.. and it dun feed on feeder but the breeder and other moving objects.. therefore, approach with care.. this species is more dangerous than the blue ring.. coz it can grow up to 1.2m in height.. if i recall correctly.. :P

  2. i was so sad at the stage of the tanks.. that i end up only taking a fish pics.. and mostly on seahorses and weedy sea dragons.. which the tanks are in a better shape than others... let me give u an example.. if AT tank is there, ppl would believe that his is the Great Barrier Reef... or even some of us... coz i see cynobacteria there.. and some tanks have dino-bacteria.. so.. u can imagine.. sigh.. but i did take some brine shrimps pics.. hahaha..

    i would say, u want to see good public tanks.. go to underwater world.. there is too much hype for sydney aquarium.. sigh.. what a pity..

  3. AT, that is the largest species of lionfish family.. and i saw one that is over a foot in sydney aquarium..

    from what i know.. lionfishes can keep together.. and different species as well.. they can co-exist.. but i dun know what the article from the reefkeeping says coz i have yet to read it..


    that is a real beauty.. in fact to me, that is the second more beautiful lionfish after the Fumanchu lion while volantile is more graceful when swiming... but IMO, antenna is also the most delicate of all... i have tried keeping both AT and your species.. and seems that antenna lion require higher water parameters...

    AT, i dun really recommend feeding them with baby catfishes.. coz of the spines of the catfishes.. can injure your lionfish.. ok.. i wun recommend u baby clowns... but it is definitely cheaper than cleaners.. :P

  4. sigh.. i was there this afternoon.. boy, was i disappointed with the way the Great Barrier Reef display section.. sigh.. i think we can do better.. but then, they are doing a great job in the weedy sea dragon and sea horses that breeds in captivity... therefore, if u are here next time, u can give it a miss.. but i do like the width of the tank for the great barrier reef display.. easily abt 3-5 ft wide... and it is curved....

  5. well.. generally, fish only tanks are easier to maintain than those with reefs tank.. as they are generally more tolerant with the water conditions. i also do what u mentioned.. with hardly any losses of livestock too... IMO, it is more like what u wanna keep and keeping the regime of maintaining it..

    for me, it is like this, if i cannot keep that livestock alive, regardless corals or fish, i wun consider getting it.. :)

  6. Hmmmm... from all that's said...

    Maybe I drop my relationship and just stay with my reef hobby..... :P

    Hope my gf doesn't come in here.... will get grilled...... :blink::blink::blink:

    sigh.. after u guys post this.. (my fiancee surfs this site too to get ideas for our 6ft when we get our house).. that's it!!!!.. my only redemption is for AT's tank.. hehehe..

  7. Hi guys

    Just like you share with you on some snails(with pictures) that can take control of the algae that you have in your tank. You might have heard of it in some of the overseas forum, but for some reason, these snails are "Ang Moh" to us, which means some of them cannot be found locally. I have in my new tank 2 kinds of snail that really take care of those algae, just like to share with you folks.

    This small snail take cares of the diatom(light brown stuff) found on the top of the sand and also on the glass surface.

    if the snails cannot be obtain locally, may i know where did u get yours?

  8. anway.. AT, i bought a packet of the NORI from NTUC.. and throw some into the tank.. but my PT only nibble and spits out.. my foxface also do the same.. never see my Hippo tang eat leh.. sigh.. i think they might not like it.. still prefer the lettuce and if that is the case, i think i will eat the packet i bought... <_

  9. Sorry Barracuda! Didn't mean to ignore you!

    There is a track this topic feature (bottom right hand corner of every topic)... have you tried using it?

    Usually I track the day's active topics by clicking the 'Today's Active Topics' link at the top right of the index page.

    as I am active every day here moderating this forum.

    There is a new software update to this forum but I want to make sure the bugs and kinks are worked out first. Hate to have this board go down and not being able to save the database or have big problems setting it again.

    yup.. that is how i track today's topics.. and have to take a mental note of what topics u had posted your replies.. alternatively, like me.. check each topic lor.. but rather time consuming though...

    guys, check me if i'm wrong,

    AT, i think what they want is to keep track of what topics they had posted.. eg. if i posted a reply on reef forum and on this particular topic, say, nori, i would like to be notified that there are new responses on this particular topic..

  10. for my case, i think the reason why the anemone shrimps cannot survive in my tank is because there is no anemone for it to hide and also the temperature not good and most important too much predator! food wise should be no problem i think.

    speaking of which, i would like to ask some questions base on this

    1. what do u think it is feeding on?

    2. what do u feed it with?

    3. Does anemone shrimps really need an anemone to stay alive?

    4. If so, what type of anemone? From what i know, anemones from the carribean do not really host much inhabitants..

    5. what is the ideal temp?

    i'm sure answers provided here might help ppl to consider keeping them :)

  11. Add green tea to your tank! :lol:

    The Japanese, who have a low fat diet and don't drink much, naturally have a low incidence of heart diseases.

    It's speaking English that kills you! :blink::wacko::rolleyes:-_-:P:lol:

    but my jap friends drink a lot.. and i mean alot.. perhaps it is the sake that they drink.. plus the tons of green tea.. however, our version of green tea is pokka green tea.. which, is sugar water..

    AT, may i suggest that we switch to jap for this forum.. since Tanzy says that speaking english can kills.. hahaha.. now i had better start learning jap.. if i wann know what this site is talking abt. :P:D:lol:

  12. Hi guys,

    Just like to know live brine shrimp survive in freshwater or saltwater.Becos i just bought a pkt from clementi...so just wonder can i add

    freshwater to it.???And where can i find cleaner shrimp ..been to a lor halus today but disppointed...

    Rgds fisher :)

    Brineshrimp have to use saltwater to keep them alive.. the water that they live in in the packet is usually contaminated with the waste that they accumulated. and u cannot add tapwater to them..

    as for cleaner shrimps, try Sealife in balestier? Hong leong in west coast?..

  13. Lionel and HQX,

    i read the article on tropical fish mag in woodlands lib.. can't recall which issue though.. those mags are not meant to be borrowed out.. so, if u go.. sure can find it.. in first level..


    according to the mag, nobody knows what the shrimps eats.. and the poor survival rate says it all.. <_<

  14. AT,

    very nice leh.. from the pic (not too clear), it look something like a starfish... but from what i know.. it might be predatory.. coz some of this living organism uses such lights to attract fishes...

    oh yes, i recall seeing a red flame scallop doing the same.. coz it be the larve of the same thing?

  15. hey paisey paisey, cannot confirm leh. i'm not the one driving you see, and this person driving is someone i also never meet before one.

    DARN!!!!... :angry: miss a trip again... never mind.. i satisfy myself with a visit to Sydney and Melbourne aquarium. :P when i'm over there..

  16. Cheapos!

    Using damsels for cycling when you could have used my PMHDCS kit!

    You could get flamed for cruelty in RC.... they'll say you should live in a sewer for a week to replicate these conditions! Heh!

    goodness AT.. your PMHDCS kit is way out of budget for us.. only Hon can afford it.. actually, i would prefer using green chromis to cycle my tank if i only have the choice of using damsels to cycle my tank.. err.. damsels in distress dun count in this case.. :lol:

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