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  1. i did just that, hanging them upside down yesterday and feeding them with zooplex twice a day. 2 corals have inflated back to health and the big one is on its way there. 2 other corals have been shredded to goo tissue by the tangs. my purple tang eats them!

    is it to do with both coming from the same area? ie. Red Sea and Hawaii?

  2. oh forgot to mention.

    i went to, hopefully, my last trip to the LFS this year and bought stuff. i got meself a:

    5 carnation corals

    1 pink yellow brain

    1 blue goniopora!

    1 blue linckia

    1 BT anemone green

    soes my plight currently is the dendro corals :(

    btw i also bought on an impulsive buy, a cleaner wrasse. *hides from flame*. the reason why i bought it was it ws harassed by the other kurzlinger wrasses. so i got one home and it covered itself with slime and acted dead.

    few hours later it swam around but this morning i found it again lying on the sandbed not breathing. is it playing dead or is it REALLY dead?

  3. those smileys describe how im feeling right now....

    i bought 5 carnation corals, knowing what they were and seeing them in full bloom in the LFS.

    but right after the transportation ordeal. some of them seemed to have melted and even shedded their fur. litter everywhere

    i bought 2 purples, 1 orange, 1 maroon and 1 white

    the white melted until it looked like a ragcloth

    the maroon melted and now seems to go south

    the orange shedded all its fur and now ###### in its unglory

    the 2 purples are holding their solid state but seemed to be dropping by the hour.

  4. :o




    those smileys describe how im feeling right now....

    i bought 5 carnation corals, knowing what they were and seeing them in full bloom in the LFS.

    but right after the transportation ordeal. some of them seemed to have melted and even shedded their fur. litter everywhere

    i bought 2 purples, 1 orange, 1 maroon and 1 white

    the white melted until it looked like a ragcloth

    the maroon melted and now seems to go south

    the orange shedded all its fur and now ###### in its unglory

    the 2 purples are holding their solid state but seemed to be dropping by the hour.

    are these symptoms common for newly bought carnation corals?

    im expecting 2 answers here i believe and these are:

    1. they will regain and recurperate in a few days.


    2. they are goners, bud...observe them wilt to coral goo.

    so the verdict is.....which one is it?

  5. heat, such a hot issue....

    recently my tank has been soaring to record temps of 31c !!! wats happening with my system?

    my chiller stays at 28c but show tank temp is 31C

    ive got a small pump running my chiller, shud i upgrade it to a more powerful one?

  6. I am 95% done with the addition of livestock for the past 4 months. Below is a chronological order of how I added my livestock from the moment of first addition:

    1ST TRIP

    3 Feather Stars

    1 Torch Coral (3”)

    1 Bubble Coral (white) (12”)

    1 Brain Coral (5”)

    1 Brown Hairy Mushroom 25+ heads

    1 Brown Hairy Mushroom 10+ heads

    1 Scroll Coral (11”)

    1 Hairy Leather (10”)

    1 Metallic Green Mushroom 3+ heads

    2 Hairy Green Mushroom 8+ heads

    1 Red Mushroom 10+ heads

    1 Cup Coral (7”)

    2 Daisy Coral (4”)

    2 Common Red Hermit Crabs

    10 Turbo Snails

    10 Nassarius Snails

    2 Cowries

    2ND TRIP

    1 Tomato Clown (2”)

    1 Black Cardinalfish (2”)

    1 Coral Banded Shrimp

    1 Long Tentacle anemone (Green) (24”)

    2 Rock Anemones (1”)

    1 Sand-sifting Starfish (1”)

    1 Plate Coral (Green) (8”)

    1 Hammer Coral (Green) (8”)

    3RD TRIP

    1 Gigas Clam (18”)

    1 Maxima Clam (8”)

    1 Derasa Clam (12”)

    2 Common Red Hermit Crabs

    1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

    1 Multicolor Wrasse (4”)

    1 Pink and Blue Spotted Watchman Goby (4”)

    4 Paper-Bubble Shell Cowries

    4TH TRIP

    1 4-Striped Damsel (1”)

    1 Naso Tang (5”)

    1 Red Sea Sailfin Tang (4”)

    1 Blue Hippo Tang (4”)

    1 Scopas Tang (3”)

    1 Pink and Blue Spotted Watchman Goby (6”)

    1 Bicolor Algae Blenny (1”)

    1 Black Blenny (1”)

    5TH TRIP

    1 Frogspawn Coral (Green) (5”)

    6TH TRIP

    3 Azure Damsels (2”)

    7TH TRIP

    1 Red Sea Purple Tang (5”)

    8TH TRIP

    1 Hawaiian Yellow Tang (4”)

    2 False Percula Clownfish (1”)

    2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

    There you have it! The frequent trips to the LFS got me many goodies. The tank’s livestock is almost complete. Almost. My last trip will be to do with fetching the Marshall Island Flame Angel that I ordered from my LFS, and those elusive corals I want like the Scolymias and Acroporas. I’ve been stocking heavily in some trips so I did encounter losses everynow and then such as:

    1 Torch Coral (fell from its place and died)

    2 Feather Stars (somehow vaporized into smaller bits)

    4 Common Red Hermit Crabs

    (they picked on corals so I left them in the sump only to have them molting a few times and vaporized into empty shells)

    1 Pink and Blue Spotted Watchman Goby (death by the Multicolor Wrasse’s bite)

    1 Multicolor Wrasse (given away to my local LFS due to aggression)

    1 Red Sea Sailfin Tang (Missing. Suspected culprit is LTA)

    1 Blue Hippo Tang (stressed ich and died)

    1 Pink and Blue Spotted Watchman Goby (Ganged up by blennies and died)

    Apart from the problem I have with my Purple, Scopas and Yellow Tangs fighting with one another on territorial dispute, everything seems fine to me. To rephrase, my current fish livestock consist of:

    1 Tomato Clown (2”)

    1 Black Cardinalfish (2”)

    1 4-Striped Damsel (1”)

    1 Naso Tang (5”)

    1 Scopas Tang (3”)

    1 Bicolor Algae Blenny (1”)

    1 Black Blenny (1”)

    3 Azure Damsels (2”)

    1 Red Sea Purple Tang (5”)

    1 Hawaiian Yellow Tang (4”)

    2 False Percula Clownfish (1”)

    And still saving space for that Flame Angel. 

    Until next update my fellow reefers!

  7. Hey bro A320, u a bruneian too?

    Aqsa not close one, they moved to Tungku at Horticulture Market.

    Got their stuff all over there but not yet open. THey are taking their sweet time starting back their business.

    yes i got most stuff from miri. im from bandar btw.

  8. btw, clams are doing too great! my gigas has already outgrown the tank so i had to move rocks for it to spread more. maxima is a bit pale til i changed my setting to 14K and 20K. derasa has grown abit too.

    been adding Seachem Calcium and Kent Marine Minerals.

    now wehre did i put the pics? *search*

  9. really sorry for the long leave of absence bros...my internet got awry

    well im back online and ive got pics of updates. many things happened during the 3 weeks of absence. here's a gist:

    added livestock 3 weeks ago:

    1 Desjardin Sailfin Tang

    1 Scopas Tang

    1 Blue Tang

    1 Naso Tang

    (all 2-3" in length)

    1 black blenny

    1 bicolor blenny

    1 pink and blue watchman goby

    1 orange dottyback

    1 4-striped damsel

    (all 1-2" in length)


    I added these in a span of 3 weeks and they were bought fresh from QT tank. in a week, these died

    1 Blue Tang - Ich

    1 Sailfin Tang - Missing. No trace (eaten by anemone?)

    1 pink and blue watchman goby - Deceased

    1 orange dottyback - Missing. No trace (eaten by anemone?)

    I feel like giving my 2' LTA away becos it seemed to be eating my fish - most likely suspect.

    Last week i bought 1 fish ordered from Hawaii.... a Purple Tang! quite a rarity in my region's market but worth the buy. still look dodgy tho becos the Naso and Scopas i have are always zipping here and there, grazing everywhere :D

    lets see if i have pics to share, plus the deceased perhaps

  10. my LFS is Ah Siong Aquarium in Miri. my local LFS in Brunei, Aqsa Aquatics also sell a few giant clams. I saw a gigas last time that was 3 feet big in their 8 feet show tank. Don knoe what happened to it when they renovate the place.

    I herd they put back in their PADI cultivation farm cos my local LFS owns a farm in South China Sea somewhere.

    The problem for me is finding small clams to put in between the small crevices. i think small clams are cute and should be mixed with giant ones.

  11. big ben bro, how are the size of tridacna clams in singapore? surely LFS there sell sizes smaller and bigger than the clams i have no?

    i bought all these clams from miri, and these are average sizes....

    bought the gigas for rm$150 = SGD$68-70

    squamosa rm $100 = SGD$40-45

    maxima rm$180 = SGD$75-80


    so clams wise, my LFS sells them cheap

    last pic,

    tank with clams, just acclimatizing them to te MH, not fully switched on. hmmm, the squamosa is shaded abit by the rocks....


  12. the gigas is around 12-13" wide, the only thing stopping its mantle from fully flapping its width are the rockscape to the left and the glass to the right. it literally took more than half the width of my tank.....does it look healthy?


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