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Posts posted by ike

  1. They are one of the superbly beautiful piece mother ocean give us, we manage to get them here in BKK but due to too long transportation we loose all of it, I witness its beauty before we lost it.....

    Well, My humble addition here is the general acclimination protocol. Let it rest with good water flow and not bash it under too intense light. Make sure not to shock them with light and not too stress them.

    According to the book, BN seems to be in more protected area of the reef, under other coral colonies, and in nooks and overhangs where both lighting and current are lower. IMO They're sensitive to poor water quality more than Acro spcies I assum since the shipment included some Acro were able to made it but BN slought all their tissue. Once establish, they shold be one of the hardy.


  2. I mange to keep them for a few month... and notice they're not really suitable for my tank due to the following:

    1.) They like dark sheltered area, this support the evident they probably love to show up at night.

    2.) They do not like surge area, they prefer clamer area.

    3.) They are so shy not want to show up when other fish around

    4.) They seems to love live/fresh food and scavenge plankton more than artificial

    5.) IMO, I think they do need a species tank

    I've put them togehter with other Anthias in only Anthias thank, eventhough they can not make it so long...

    PIC in the memorial of them.

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