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Posts posted by ruel

  1. ok thanks... but just wanna trace the flow...

    RED Line

    So water from sump/tank goes into the pump and push it into the reactor chamber

    and exit at the top and return back into the pump. Why there is a loop here?

    BLUE Line

    From CO2 tank (i think behind the reactor right?) goes into the bubble counter and into the pump. Why connect it into the pump inlet? Can this be connected straight into the reactor? Where can I bought it?

    YELLOW Line

    I guess this is the water return to sump/tank. Isn't it the size of tubing too small?

    Appreciate your help. Great work..


  2. hi, mine is 2012 and I am using Rio 3100 rated at 3400l/hr... it produces a white foam at the collection cup but I noticed that the level of the foam is unstable. I set the foam to be like 1 inch from the opening and occassionaly the foam will overflow and sometimes it drops around almost at the base of the collection cup. anyone has the same experience? thanks

  3. thanks for all the inputs.... recently someone had told me that PL lights are not good in the long run as it emmits a certain kind of radiation that is harmful to corals. I am trying to check the validity on this and also not sure if that comment is based on fact or just one unlucky reefer that started his hobby on a wrong foot.

    my tank is 20in high (water deep around 18in) and so far my corals are ok. my temp is around 27-29 deg when fan is ON. No clams and SPS, just soft corals.

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