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Posts posted by tjchan

  1. xersion: nice sharp eyes.... new addition from AM today. size is that of a 10cents coin only.

    LS as of now:

    1 x bicolor blenny

    1 x yellow watchman goby

    1 x Blue tang

    1 x cleaner shrimp

    1 x Astrea Snail

    3 x tube worms


    1 x zoo colony

    1 x purple mushroom colony (about 10 heads)

    1 x blue mushroom colony (about 6 heads)

    1 x sun coral (about 10-15 heads)

    1 x white yuma (20c coin)

  2. happy reefing and hope that you will enjoy and also go crazy abt it also... haha...

    I will recommend you to get salifert cos some of the test kit does not give accurate result.

    Ti start you will need ammonia, nitrate and ph test kit .

    If you want to have coral the min. to have is the above mentioned and also calcium , KH, phosphate and magnesium (optional).

    It is always very important to have a gud start for marine tank if not next time you will have lots of headache.

    and if you are looking for product review can ask jervismun. ( Kanan arrow) :whistle

    dun wanna ask bro jervis la... else he always give super hi-end reviews i see already also giddy... :D

    i got salifert pH and kH test kits liao.... hmm.... time to invest a bit more.... :pinch:

  3. Emm... yes test kits are exp... but not advisable to go straight to Nitrate. Maybe can skip Nitrite. But Ammonia is essential... coz it is the most toxic of all and it can be a matter of live and death for your fishes and corals. If you think Salifert is too costly, can also go for other more economical brand. Better to get readings than not to get at all.

    hmmm.... have to think about it.... maybe get a stick on wall cheap ammonia indicator? haha....

    anyway.... fish first or corals first?

  4. Not bad for first attempt... Red Sea Skimmer some more :lol: In a few more days, can start testing Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate.

    thanks. not as impressive as your tank. :P . I'm just trying to get the proper equipments so that I won't have to keep upgrading in future to keep up with my tank. think it's ok to just go for the nitrate test kit? test kits costs a bomb... :blink:

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