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Posts posted by tomowilson

  1. Hi...i remember i read it somewhere that you can soak live rocks in water with SG between 1.04-1.05 for a minute.....this will drive out most pests like worms, crabs...etc...from the holes.....this method will not harm the beneficial bacterias also......personally i have not tried out this method as it will burn a hole in my pocket for buying marine salt to produce salt water of that salinity.

    hope it helps.... :lol:



  2. depending...... heard nowadays getting the permit is more harder and time comsuming hence u only see sh shipment once in a while..... WC will surly be cheap...as they are harvested from wild, no need too much man power..... CB ...... cos of the manpower to raise the fries to young sdults.... very tiring..... :lol: But worth it! ;)

    wah...tht means noone will know when will be the next shipment for either WC or CB right?

  3. Hmmm.....as I would love to reuse most of my equipments....the main tank is a 2ft tank....I have a ehiem 2213 and a 1ft tank laying around.

    My intention is to make the 2213 a filter with wools, bio-balls and ceramic rings and the outlet of the 2213 will be connected to the 1ft tank to act as a mini refugium.

    The 1ft tank will only have chaeto and dsb. Do you guys add active carbon (hope is the right name) in your filter?

    One problem here is how do I know whats the flow rate of the return pump in the 1ft refugium? Got formula??

    Need advise of my setup above. Abit messy but hope to cut down expenses by re-using some equipments. Sorry for the long post :snore:

    Tks alot~~ :thanks:

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