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Everything posted by amused

  1. Thanks for the advise bro! Yup will not being running waves for my tank...really really don't want any flooding I think I will have to get more advise on the circulation once I have the pump up and running. Oh yah do you think it makes sense to vary the rate of the return pump?
  2. I think it is better that you ask them for the exact terms of their warranty. From what I understand, so far no one has sent in their unit yet
  3. Hi Bro, The pump comes with a 1 year warranty but RD gives another year warranty. You can also choose to bump the warranty to 5 years for slightly less than 300
  4. Thanks bro Tried to find reviews on the pump but not much info on it, so took quite awhile before deciding to take a leap of faith...pray that everything turns out well! The pump is most probably way too strong for my tank so might have to run it at a lower capacity. I'm also very concerned about having a rimless tank and if there are any strength issues...any gurus care to share their experience or advise on rimless tanks? I have seen lovely ones hence the motivation to take the chance...really pray it no accidents!
  5. Just have to trust the tank maker for the strength, he did advise that the height should not exceed 20inches
  6. Hi bro, The sitting area opposite the tank houses the QT and the small compartment is actually where the sump extends out from I will post more detailed pictures once this part is completed, which will take more than a week
  7. Thanks bro! I was thinking of how the wave maker features of the Abyzz might work as a return, will probably experiment quite a bit during the cycling stage. Maybe some experienced reefers out there could offer some valuable advise on this? As of now I don't think I will be using Vortech anymore, think they will be too strong for my tank, and more importantly no more budget for them! you have any advise on this? The plan now is to fire up the Abyzz and see what kind of current it gives before deciding to add any more wave makers (looking at tunze instead of vortech) Was initially planning to use the new RD but it is taking forever to reach our shores so changed plans.
  8. Some updates: managed to do some shopping in preparation of my sump's arrival Test kits and various accessories: Return pump: Incomplete sump and QT area:
  9. Yes boss Took the plunge to go rimless and short...previous tank was too tall and every maintenance was backbreaking!
  10. Thanks bro! Really can't wait to add the first drop of water
  11. Managed to snap some quick pics with my phone Will post more pictures once the sump and QT arrives!
  12. Heh sorry bro, what I meant was the sump is not ready yet tank maker said need about 1 more week
  13. Finally! Tank is here...but still sump-less...can't wait for her to be complete! But vital parts are not here yet like the skimmer and return pump Will try and find some time to take and upload pics
  14. Just wanna say a big Thank You! to all the bros who advised me on the chiller, met with the contractor today and he said that the compressor can be installed So will be installing a 1.5hp compressor but now don't know which brand is more reliable...any recommendations? Thanks again...really grateful.
  15. Thanks bro! got your pm Oh yah do you know what options there are if there is no more space on the existing air-con ledge?
  16. That's great! already so many things need to wait...just can't wait to get water flowing through the system
  17. Oh cool! thanks bro, can share with me who you got to setup your compressor?
  18. Thanks bro! yah really need the coffee shots Really appreciate your offer for help and advise! will be needing it hopefully in exchange I can offer some coffee! Oh yah...actually I am the one who bought your LED light sets
  19. Thanks Bro Peacemaker It will be quite a while before the tank can be completed, hopefully a month once the design is confirmed. Supposed to meet with the tank maker tomorrow to finalize the details. But the skimmer will only arrive in about 6 weeks. Is it alright to cycle without the skimmer? cheers!
  20. Hey Bro, Really like the cabinet with cushion! so this was done by your contractor not tank maker?
  21. Yah I checked out HM's post but he didn't mention where he placed his compressor, shall go ask him I also saw your tank, looks great! I especially like the cushion you put on the cabinet. can you share with me who made it for you and the cost? Thanks bro!
  22. A short video of my iq3 when it was around 2 months old
  23. Thanks Bro! Yah this chiller thing has been bothering me quite a bit...gonna try and persuade the Mrs to install a compressor. I stay in a HDB, do you know if we can install a compressor beside an existing aircon compressor? thanks again for all the advise
  24. Wow...didn't realize there were so many options for the 'QT', really need to learn more from you guys on what can be done! Also, some pics of the pico at my office. Really quite simple, don't have much time to do play around with the tanks...started off with an iq3 then 'upgraded' to an iq5 which I bought from another reefer here The octo has really outgrown the tiny tank, will have to donate it if my new tank is not up and running in time...so much for keeping FOWLR Have more videos than pictures, will see if I can post some of the videos soon
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