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Posts posted by bellinayu

  1. It's been a while since I've updated my nano thread. The first Helfrinchi I introduced did not survive the battle scars from the Decora. I sold off the Decora and bought another Helfrinchi - a pair. Sadly, one of the pair did not survive through acclimatisation so only leaving 1. The yasha goby and shrimp also disappeared. I can't find their bodies even in a small tank. The livestock in the tank to date are: 1 Helfrinchi, 2 neon gobies, 1 blue stripe pipefishes, 1 Astrea snail.




    My zoa rock is almost full. Added a blue squammy which is the most expensive item in the tank currently. Strangely, I did not encounter any algae or diatom problems. This is now my 3rd month. My husbandary for this tank is as follows: I'm doing weekly water change (using water from my sps tank), dosing bacteria and carbon source as per instructions. I have my par38 on for 6 hrs shinning on the zoa rock. Fishes are introduced slowly into the tank.

    zoa rock


    Blue Squamosa brought in by Fuel


  2. Hi. I have some BBS eggs for sale. I have just open the tin and placed them in the fridge. Per container @ $18 as seen in pic. Self collect at Depot Rd, FCFS. Once hatched, you can feed to small fishes like gobies, fire fishes, pipefishes etc. Hatching them is easy. There are instructional videos from Youtube to refer. Sms me at 81117171.


  3. I am looking for 8 persons willing to share a can of baby brine shrimp eggs from fauna supplies. 1 can cost $80 so each pays $10. Portions will be divided equally between 8 people. Collection will be at my house in depot rd. you will have to collect within 1 week. Once I have 8 persons on the list, I will make the purchase. thanks.

    1. Bellinayu








  4. I bought 1 neon goby and 2 yellow lined and placed them in a betta box. One of the yellow lined was chased by the other yellow lined so I separated them and sold 1 away. Leaving 1 neon and yellow lined. They co-existed fine in the betta box but when I let them out into the tank, the neon started chasing the yellow lined. However, I think a bit of chasing is fine if there is enough room in the tank. As long as none show stress colors and torn fins, I left them alone. I intend to add shark nose gobies as well.

  5. Added on a small Helfrinchi but once I let i out into the tank, it had battle scars from the aggression of the purple Decora. I hope it will be able to recover.


    2 days back, saw my Yasha goby swimming out into the open but today, it's gone missing. I was not able to find it's body even after removing the rocks while netting out the Decora.

  6. Time for some updates. I am trying out Fauna Marin stuff. This is my 2nd week so still too early to comment. However, I do see increased PE and enhanced in blue colour.

    Some micro shots.

    Pink Bird nest species (without and with lights)



    Blue Millis


    Blue Tenuis


    Galaxy Monti cap.


    Baby blue Digi & light purple monti cap. frag


    True Fibre Optic Pocci


    Digitata corner on the right


    End my Mar 2013 log with a FTS


  7. Have a few updates to add to my log.

    Bought 2 mini carpets from LCK. 1 was an injured blue and the other was a mixure of colours. Unfortunately, I was not able to heal the injured blue carpet. These were the steps taken to let the carpet attach to where I want it.

    1. Let it attach itself onto a frag plug in a separate container without any flow

    2. Once it has attached itself, insert the plug into a netting pocket to prevent it from roaming around

    3. Placed the netting pocket into the tank where I want to place and let it get use to the tank's salinity and temp

    4. Remove the netting and place the plug with the mini carpet attached next to a LR

    5. The mini carpet will soon dis-attach itself from the plug and attach itself to the LR where you place it.

    Here are the pics.


    I am not running my skimmer yet so relying on bi-weekly water change, chaeto, and UAS for nutrient export. I am experimenting on the UAS, using a single red LED light source. No algae yet as it's only in the initial stage.


    Added some zoathids and released my Yasha goby and decora fire fish from the betta box. Kept the 2 fishes in the beta boxes to 1.5 weeks so as to train them to eat pallets. Once released, they continued to feed on pallets :thumbsup: .


    Ending my log with a FTS dated 16 Mar 13. LS to date are 2 fishes, zoas, mini anemone, pistol shrimp, astrea snail. I transferred the right rock to my 3ft tank.


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