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Posts posted by kevink

  1. there has been heaps of success stories with dragonet with nano tanks, most of them use nano to begin training dragonet to eat frozen brine shrimps sincethe tanks is small and its easier for it to find the food and it will probably be the only fish in there so no competition.

    my mandarin is still with me though the sides and back of my nano tank is all algae and seriously it dont look very pretty but at least the mandarin swims around digging for food all the time.

    my fire goby.... jumped out of the tank :cry2: such a beauty but think i wont try it again

  2. yea there is a bit of injury on the side, got it from a friend apparently his mushroom was overcrowding his tank and melted the side on the brain coral so i took it over. should be no problem its tenticle still comes out and try to grab some food when i feed it. i like the colour though.

  3. water tested ok. heres a sump finished setup. all seperate pump FR and skimmer on the side and 1 pump for the chiller seperately. got given some of the macro algae gonna try it out c if it will survive or not.

    some site listed turn the lights on for 16hrs some say flat out 24hrs for the macroalgae. anyone with some of them care to share since my web surfing conclusion comes to when the lights go out it release carbon dioxide and ph will drop, but doesnt the plant need ZZZzz (sleep)??


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