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Posts posted by drewy

  1. bro, nice tank, feed ur YT more food, look skinny.. ur clam too.. place it more on top of ur tank.. lights is insufficient.. :peace:

    thanks bro. actually i placed the clam on higher level,but fell wice already.

    my YT eat alot leh, but still look so skinny, he eats veg,brine shrimp, mysis shrimp....anything that i feed the other fishes,he also interested :lol:

  2. woa! is that really a 2 footer? looks better than many of the other two footers i've seen..i really admire fellow reefers who can resist the temptation to upgrade and upgrade and upgrade and empty their pockets..hiak hiak hiak :D

    hahaha, me need to spend money on other stuff also mah.

    thanks for the compliments.

    just bought a bubble and some zoos yesterday, later take photo then update.

  3. thanks deepblue,

    have to stay contended with what i have. i always wanted to keep sps, but i have no halides or chiller....at least i still can resist.hahahaha,or else surely got alot of sps die in my tank.

    heres another pic of my rics.


  4. bro what ever you do dun upgrade ur tank and tear this one apart... wait like me regret <_<

    actually, i regretted liao, no choice leh.

    if i were to set up another tank,it has to be at the same spot as the current one.

    thats more difficult then setting up another tank somewhere else in the house.u know what im saying rite?? must get rid of the old tank to make space and blah,blah,blah........

    i might consider a bigger tank when i get married and move out but right now, im contended with what i have :peace: besides, my job schedule is quite unpredictable,if get bigger tank, scared my mama can't cope <_<

  5. thanks for ur kind comments,everyone.

    actually my tank quite plain....not enuff colours.

    need red and purple or something,but can't seem to find suitable corals.

    i took the piccs using a minolta dimage xt,it belongs to my sis......i didn't know the quality would show up quite good also.

    regarding the toadstool, my friend saw it at the lfs first,but got no place to put in his tank...it has very green polyps under actinics....now he regret not getting it first,heehee.

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