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Posts posted by mushroom

  1. My fat cucumber - working hard. Has been with me for 2 years since my previous tank. Keeps the sand white and shiny. My black sea cuke is really hardy, 1 year ago, this guy almost got torn into half when he climbed into my Tunze Stream, now he's as good as new.


  2. In-sump H&S skimmer. Sump takes up almost whole of bottom cabinet. Return is via a single MD40 tee-off to chiller and return. Elbows are minimized to maximize return flow. That's it for equipment - the only other equipment is calcium reactor.


  3. Anthias from dear Henry@ML. Very healthy and curious specimens.

    T5 is Aqualight T5. 2 x 10K, 2 x Actinic.

    The 1 x 400W Luminarc MH is not turned on when I took these pictures. That's how I can put some acros near the bottom of the tank.

    Not so many rocks right now so I can add corals as the tank gets built up. :whistle

    NO3 is undetectable, so any additional rocks is for decoration, not for denitrification.

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