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Posts posted by zipp86

  1. an FR is a fluidized reactor, there are a couple of cheap ones on sale now at the selling theread, you need to put in ROWA or PhosZorb or similar media to remove phosphate, you can try adding a small pump to blow over that area of the sand so the cyano will not form anymore, its all about flow haha

  2. some additional notes, sand in the refugium is 3 1/2 inch, enough for a DSB hopefully, sand is Caribsea live aragonite sand!! for my lighting using 250W SE MH with 2X24W T5.. Thats about all i can think of, feel free to post questions, queries, comments and constructive criticisms:) Thanks for reading and may the reef be with you! :P

  3. pics of some SPS.. actually dunno if they can survive since tank is only a week old, however, rocks are all old rocks courtesy of bro dorado and bro vincere :)


    pics of some ledges in the rockscape, can you spot the hidden pvc frame??


    pics of some yellow polyps


  4. pic of the hood and sump, hood is made by Razali from DELightings and the sump custom designed by me made by a nearby LFS, as you can see in my sump I have my AquaC skimmer, my new refugium, my Tunze Osmolater top up device (best rated top up of all time) and assorted pumps

    And also for my wavemaker I have a vortech pump with wavemaker on Reef Crest Mode!! powerful!! You can see in one of the pictures my Vortech controller with the Tunze top up controller and also my teco chiller with the bucket filled with RO/DI water :whistle


  5. hi all, just want to share some pictures of my new tank, will try to explain as much as I can throughout my postings. Firstly, a FTS followed by other shots of the tank itself. You can see this time round I decided to go bare bottom. post-8336-1208699339.jpg post-8336-1208699401.jpg post-8336-1208699538.jpg

  6. Hi, a word of advise, dont ever add copper to your main tank unless you are planning to keep a FOWLR forever. This is because copper will remain on your rocks and gravel and even if 5 years down the road you add 1 coral they will not survive as copper is very toxic to invertebrates . Plus, some marine fishes do not react too well to copper as well. Pls use other methods of ich/velvet control. Copper is best usd in a quarantine tanks.

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