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Posts posted by RX_GAN

  1. Right now I am still training the fish to eat and get adapted. Will be adding a few mirrors to the tank to lower the aggressiveness of the fish during it's juvenile stage. As I hope that by doing so, It wun be so aggressive in a reef tank tearing apart all corals and fishes. hHAHA.

    Wanna update pics soon but camera very hard to take pic of it. Will try again and update here.

    HAve a nice day everyone. hohoho. :lol:

  2. YUP. :lol: The new batch from now on is X-factor II. Dun worry.ABSOLUTELY NO PRICE INCREMENT even when I come back in April. Thanks. :D

    Will still provide the same service and price. :D Everything will be the same except for more variety for you to choose from according to what u need.

    Will be a great new face with a new website too. CHEERS. :D

    Thread closed for now. Anything just contact me.Pm me or sms me at 81968903 or email me at secret_cracker@hotmail.com. THANKS for all the support all along. Will continue to serve you better in April. SMILE. And grab now for the free samples before they are gone. Thanks.

    Next week will still be another batch but I wun update anything online until all preparations are done.

    So just contact me to enquire abt the stock. As long as you order, I will be pleased to serve you. :D

    End of Thread. And wish all reefers have a nice reefing experience.

  3. Some of the ingredients.

    Due to considerations, Jellyfish is omitted because some people don't feel safe with it's addition.

    Fish Roe is not availiable because no stock currently.

    But I have substituted it with more fish meat and prawns. :D




    Hi guys, the new batch is done and ready. Will send those who have ordered this weekend.

    Time will be arranged with you all soon. :lol:

    X-factor Jelly is coming your way soon and is still under experimental stage.

    It will not disperse in the water and will float as a cube while your fishes feed on it.

    Pollution is kept at zero for no fear of overfeeding as you can removes it as you wish. :D

    And right now I am giving away FREE samples.

    Each person is entitled to 3 FREE CUBES.

    Collection will be at these MRT Stations: Tampines, City Hall and Jurong East.

    SMS me or Pm if you are interested to collect your free samples.

    Those interested to buy must act fast because orders are coming in from last week so I don't know how many supplies I will have minus the free samples. :lol:

    The free samples are for those who want to give it a try before buying. :D

    OKay. Last of all. The Thread will be closed at midnight tonight.

    X-factor Formulae II will still be availiable as usual. Just Pm or sms me. :lol:

    I will return this April as one of the sponsors here. Cheers.


    Will bring it other products soon...Please stay tuned and hope that when it's back, all of you can welcome and continue to lend me your support. :D

    Thanks and Have a nice fishy day. :D

  5. hahha..thanks.

    I know that all of you are worried about the problem of NO3 and Phosphate level in your tank. And it's everyone's concern. :)

    X-factor doesn't contain any ingredients with NO3 and Phosphates. Nitrate and Phosphates are only produced when uneaten food is been decomposed in your tank.

    The reason behind could be caused by the uneaten food or you could have some hidden ingredients which contain nitrate and phosphates. X-factor is nurtritional as it provides a wide range of vitamins, proteins, amino acids and others. It focuses on bringing the most in terms of variety in food sources. The ingredients are selected by strictly considering the nutritional value of each ingredient and the phytochemicals in the plants. Each ingredient is selected to either help in appetite, enhance coloring, increase in growth and also help build immune system.

    Any food provider(whether it's for dogs, cats or human), will tell you the same. That is overfeeing harms more than benefit.

    Too much vitamin A will harm instead of help.

    That's why X-factor comes in cubes so as to help in allocating the right amount of food for your tank to prevent overfeeding. But in the end, overfeeding problem still lies with the owner. :D

    And right now. This new batch. X-factor Formulae II. Contains bigger bits than before so as to minimise pollution. It contains small bit and bigger bits so as to be able to feed your big tangs, small damsels and corals at the same time.

    If without overfeeding, NO3 level and phosphate level will be safe. I am using it with undetectable No3. Cheers. :D

  6. ahahah...sea urchin. I got a longspine black urchin. Anyone got a pencil urchin ? care to share the pic ? love to see one. :lol:

    Btw, sometime i do get the urge to crack them open for SASHIMI....hahhaaha..anyone else has got the same urge as me ? :P

  7. not a must. for lazy ppl one. hahaha...no la..for those who are busy and find it too hard to really monitor with calcium level.


    a reactor can be used with many things. phos remover...blah blah blah..so as to effectively utilise the watsoever...

    all these are the toys of reef keeping. There are alot as long as u have the money, u can never get enough of them. haaha.plus space too..

    Not a must and debatable as a need...but just a tool..or a toy... :D ur tank can survive without them.

    if u have spare money, u may wan to spend it on ur tank to make u work less and get more results.

  8. hahaha..thanks.it's nothing la. :lol:

    doing the batch now. hahaha. :D

    Thanks Underwater for the two thumbs up. U have very wonderful children. hehe.

    Very cute. hahaa. :lol: Such a happy family. ENVY. hehe. :rolleyes:

    Once the batch is done. I will post it up. And now i have change the way of delivery.

    The previous batch is too tiring for me. haha..so i will allocate 3 days.

    one day for east. one day for north and one day for west.

    So that I dun have to go from east to north then to west in one day. CAN DIE. hahaha.

    Hopefully u guys can understand. :lol:


  9. :lol: yup...got your order. :lol:

    Huh ? the dragon wrasse up lorry le ? o ?

    Not feeding ? when it was with me, it was alright and feeding man..SWEAR.

    okay okay.. :lol: I will compensate u for that. If i have time to meet up, will pay u back the money which u pay for the wrasse.

    :D I'm a honest Dealer...if i say feeding then it's not feeding, I will pay u back.

    Very sorry for the wrasse. Dun know why like that also.

    My apologises. :cry2: My poor wrasse.

    Hopefully u can bury the hatchet too. B)

    Let bygone be bygone.

    Promise future deal will be better. :):peace:

  10. hahhaa...artificial coloring is indeed sugar and ester...u can called thme phytochemicals. normally extract from plants. but they are in a great concentration that's why it's harmful and with preservatives also.


    hahaha...i am also setting up a new tank soon. but must get the tank to my house first.

    For current... try to place each pump at a corner like one at the bottom left and one at the top right.Diagonally. so that it is a turbular flow instead of a laminar.

    will be able to cover all spots ba. :D

    Good luck for ur test. it's kinda headache when it comes to new tank. hahaha..

    But time is the key to success la.. so cannot chiong one. ahahaha. :lol:

    Keep raising ur kids...cannot one day study primary one books.

    next time u give them university level. that way u only wasting money. hahaha. :ph34r:

  11. hahaha.. :lol:

    I am definitely more interested in marine life. Have spend a lot of time answering questions and providing help with ppl online.I don't even really utilise a skimmer for my tank. just a lousy skimmer. and utilising mostly on biological methods(the berlin way).

    Not gonna waster my money on that skimmer, will DIY one soon. :D

    Have been hanging around around wetwebmedia in the past. only came here after bob fenner mention abt it. I have find too many mistakes here in Sgreef.

    The reason here for the scene to be like that.

    partially is due to the LFS. lack of information and knowledge. most of them start up as freshwater shop so most dun really have much scientific knowledge for marine fish. and most just know more abt equipments. :blink:

    ppl in singapore just wan the luxury of convenience. ppl are working and busy.

    who will wanna spend the time to sit around and really read abt them ?

    They just rather spend more money to made sure their beauty is secured.

    u can't blame them. :lol:

    u also need to consider the price of livestock there. the high price made it a highlight and a point for biologist and doctors to study it. It's not like u can buy a damsel for one dollar there.

    who will bother why ur damsel died here ? with one dollar u can get another one easily.

    That's the mentality here.

    there with higher price and funds, research is possible. we are lacking of funding here.

    But i guess the scene will change, as the price is rocketting already.

    in the past, hahaha...things are more cheaper and more selection.

    Guess when we step in the next generation with more marine fish lover, the price will raise and the government may impose CITIES and strict law to control the demand.

    Just like our COE. :P Naughty government.

    That's why when it's time like this, I am conducting a lot of experiments to improve the scene here and the way ppl reef here. :D

    Singapore is always a pioneer in this and that. We can do it one. The next generation...

    The scene will change but will take time. Wun happen like "Hey, today is diff. from yesterday."

  12. reason ? they all just use seawater.

    hahaha...the LFS here sell fishes and corals by batch. each batch are not supposed to stay long in their tank. It is differ from our tank which we will maintain for years..

    So they just use seawater and whatsoever content is not of their prob. U think they will go and measure nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, strontium, Hardness and watsoever like us ?

    Nope. as long as there is a rough guide there and the pH is alright then everything is fine.


    Maybe only farm is more particular on that. Shops wun really care much. This is the advantage of batch selling. :sick:

  13. hi...artificial coloring...normally those coloring is very harmless to livestock.

    unless there is no livestock in it, then u can try with good filtering system.

    But it may color ur polyfilter and all the other filter medium.

    If there is livestock, u are causing harm to them. so reconsider.

    invest more on current and try to cover any cover instead of taking the risk which can harm ur fishes and coral.

    If without any livestock, u can try but think of the adverse effects to ur filter medium.

    u might need to give them a wash after that. :lol:

    Even if it's so called fit for eating, but it's not fit for marine. and pls note...nothing chemical in content and man-made is fit for marine naturally.

    Too much of calcium addictive kills

    Too much of anything kills.

    and u can't even measure how much damage u are doing but using coloring.

  14. okay..sms u already. thanks guys for the orders. will update once the next batch is ready. thanks.

    Any interested parties can just sms me or pm me. thanks.

    Even if it's not regarding X-factor, you can still ask me anything abt marine stuffs.

    will be kind enough to help. :lol:

  15. hahaha..it's not as bad as them since u are not making any money.

    It's just an eye for an eye. You not earning any money from them also. just wan to ensure the safety of your corals and inverts. in the end both still benefit there. u get a lower price fish, and they can still sell ur fish away.

    Watever it is.. congras on selling it away. :D

    Just be more careful next time.

  16. hahaha.. :lol: thanks guys for the responses.

    It will be a long process in the end. So we shall slowly see ba...

    Or maybe anyone who support my idea, can give me some suggestion on the experiment.


    Haha...if only i have the technology to study it's DNA, and find out which gene is the one to activate it's coral eating habits. Then modify it. :D

    Cool RIGHT ? hahaha...but it will be a long process with huge investment. haha...

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