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Posts posted by RX_GAN

  1. or another way is to go and buy some stuff from the shop then pretend to tok abt your fish.

    Made sure u buy something. then complain that it kill all your shrimps. pretend to be frustrated and ask whether can change a fish or not. haha. i try that before. :D

    I am a regular so they can't afford to lose a regular. haha.

  2. haha.hopefully i did my part to alert u on that. It's quite a common thing that LFS will bluff u de.

    They sell fishes by batch so they will wan to clear their new batch and bring in new ones.

    really no point asking them if it's reef-safe. some will give u stupid answer. Ppl can tell me angelfish dun eat corals and is totally reef-safe without a guilt. So guess that u are taken by them.

    Just be careful next time. Maybe can construct a wishlist of reef-safe fish before shopping and strictly adhere to it each time. Safer this way. :lol:

    good luck with your sale. One way is to bring it back to the LFS. AND MADE UP A STORY. SAY that the fish eat all your shrimps. hahahaha. then ask to change a fish. maybe a cheaper one. as long as it is a cheaper one, most of them will allow or best if they allow u to top up.


    GOOD LUCK. :ph34r:

  3. King or Emperor ? Cos King is quite seldom kept.

    King is Holacanthus passer. (show pic)

    And Diet is small invert.

    And it's a terrorist. aggressive too.

    Most likely u drop the shrimp into the wrong place. maybe next time can take placing the shrimp at someother place far away.

    Think either it is in the diet of the king angel(most likely)

    Or it has enter the wrong territory. I think most likely a bit of both.


  4. Hey guys, got any suggestions ?

    What I change to do now is that to feed it alone for sometime and let it adapt to feeding first.

    Let it get used to being feed.

    After that i will introduced one type of coral each at a time and still feed it.

    starting from Zoo.

    then will be hard corals, LPS.

    then will be SPS.

    one at a time and observe it.

    To make sure it doesn't eat the coral. But instead make it more lazy to eat coral.

    haha.. it will be feed with the corals. so that it will become a pricky eater.

    Will only eat my food and not corals.

    then finally if everything is safe. I will add in shrimps.

    And last of all it will be sponge.

    When I add in LPS, I will take out the Zoo.

    Same for the rest.

    Once everything runs smoothly, i will add it into the main tank and take observations.

    And last of all, I can conclude the success of the experiment.

    And will go on to produce reef-safe angels. Or maybe will experiment with other fishes which is considered not reef-safe.haahah..but that will depend on the availiability of stock for the experiment.

    Let's say if the experiment stop at one point that the fish will eat the coral. I will continue to feed it with my own "X-factor". And will think of some other solution. Maybe I can try to isolate it but let it to be able to see the coral and yet not get it. Then feed it with the "X-factor". It is to let him get used to living with each diff. types of coral. Hurray. :D

  5. hahaha...no. not offended. no prob de.

    actually it's true that most creatures will evolved and lost their hunting instinct throught generations.

    But the prob right now is that humans don't realised it and also don't know how long does this whole process work.

    thanks for the compliments too.

    I definitely accept any insults, criticise, praise and whatsoever de.

    Cos it's something that no one has tried before.

    most hobbyist just wanna make sure of the safe of their corals and didn't notice of any evolution.

    Just like dogs, when we first keep them as pet, we just want them to be able to hunt and guard.

    And slowly their function changes and we didn't know that we are actually causing a evolution to their characteristic and habits.

    Until one fine day when someone brought it up.

    It's true abt that.

    But the argument which i gonna bring up is based on a few stands and real-life reports.

    First it is based on the study of humans. You can take a farmer's son and bring him up in a rich man's family. Feed them with abalones and steaks everyday. Teach him how to study and all the high class stuffs.

    Then you can bring him back to his father. Do you think he will know how to farm and also to eat those foods ?

    Of course, this gonna bring in some rebate that it may be different for individuals.

    But if we bring in the logic that you actually spoilt the child from young ?

    From young, he doesn't know what's wrong or right but only know he will get wat he wants.

    And that will support the theory.

    Hunting instinct won't change back. The animal will normally die when return to hunting environment.

    Secondly, it is based on news report around the world. Think you have seen many reports about tiger living with a pig and drinking it's milk like she is his mother. So what does it suggest ?

    And there are many famers and some leisure pet owners who have weird combination of animals.

    I hv recently seen a moorish idol in a reef tank and the owner has no worries at all. all corals and inverts are safe. and surely that alone doesn't support the theory. it's the collection of articles which supports it. Another one example is Tarzan. haha. It's a famous story and there are many stories of animal-raised human. It shows that genetic is not a factor in the future display of habit in animals.

    So this is basically the stand that i took in this research. and one more thing. Some of these stuffs are not passed down by genes instead of more on environment factors.

    And we here in Singapore have an abundant of marine fishes and coral at low cost compare to other country. So all the most we should pioneer and excel in the study of them with wide selection and readily avail. goods.

    We may lack behind in aquarium technology and stuffs but i can said that we definitely have more selection and availiability of marine life.

    So I have pioneer this project in hope to change or ripple the reef market and science in this aspect. hahaha.


  6. Bought this Annularis Angelfish recently and using it to do a project called "Project Tamer".

    The aim is to raise fishes, which are not Reef-safe into one.

    Heard that Annularis Angelfish is a highly sought after fish.

    And it should be the only angel that has three stages from Juvenile to sub-adult then to adult.

    All three stages look different :D

    Project is undergoing by means of feeding an one inch specimen with only captive food for a long period of time (one to two years maybe).

    Aim: To support the hypothesis that fish's reef-safeness can be change if aquaculture or trained from young.

    Environment: a lone tank with only just one fish and no corals.

    Objective: To study and increase the range of selection for fishes for reef through aquaculture.

    Support: Dogs and chickens have lost their basic hunting ability and instinct due to captive-bred and long period of time separated from their natural environment.

    Task: To create such an environment that the fish will lose its hunting ability and get used to feeding than hunting. Will be only feeding it with X-factor.


    Scientists involved: RX Gan hahaha...

    Day One: Fed it with live brine shrimp and X-factor. Lights all switched off.

    Observations: Shy. Willing to feed. Big appetite for a small fish as no live brine shrimp has been shown mercy. :S

    Expectation from Xperiment: To have an Annularis Angelfish living in my reef tank peacefully. :lol:

    In case of failure, will then sell it away to pay for the research cost. haHAha..joking nia.

    Will updated on observations and status.


  7. Haha..thanks guys for your support.

    All stock are sold out now.

    Have received reviews from buyers and I have plan to improve on some of things like the particles' sizes. The next batch will be of bigger sizes in terms of particles.

    The cubes are one inch by one inch big in size. Portion is bigger than Henry's food.

    Haha. will add in spirulina and improve on the recipe.

    Cheers. :lol:

    PLs sms me at 81968903 or pm me for placing order so that you will not miss out.

    Will be posting more pics soon.

    Due to the overwhelming demand, I will make more for the next batch if there is enough orders for me to do so.

    If there is any questions or queries, you can ask me also.

    No harm asking and ask questions don't need to pay money.

    Hahahah. :evil:

  8. :lol: TropicMarine Salt is one of the best around and also very costly compare to the rest.

    Magnesium level is to be raise over time with constand monitor and maybe increasing dosage. You can't suddenly increase the Mg level as it will only bring in more harm than help.

    Salinity is important and like wat is mention earlier on. a good way to gauge salinity and maintain it the cheap way is to measure it at a standard temperature.

    Keeping your salinity level constant is most important than asking others what is their salinity level and try to follow suit.

    Right now the highest vote is 1.025. Don't tell me that you are going to adjust it to that SG then what if next day the highest vote is 1.020 ?

    are you going to change SG again ?

    Keeping a reef or fish tank. The utmost important thing is to know why you are doing so and not what they are doing so.

    Consistancy is utmost important in reef and marine tank.

    After all, the tank itself is an artificial system.

    I am say that even if after one thousand years of R&D, you also can really achieved the standard of the real ocean and habitat.

    The micro-organism and concentration of each element is too detailed and costly for home-user or extreme hobbyist.

    Seawater don't just contain Mg, Ca, Sr and other elements available in the market.

    Are you going to measure each and every trace element ?

    What I can tell you is that to keep it constant. If at the start it is at that level, then it should be at that level ten years later.

    Consistancy is the way to excellency.

    Once it's constant at that level, you can harvest what you sow.

    You mention that the fish becomes alright after you drop SG.

    In the first place have you asked why your fish is sick ?

    Without knowing the source, you can't say that's solution which eradicate the situation.

    It's like "Hey, ###### is sick today. Then tomolo you win 4D, and ###### recovers."

    So 4D can cure ppl ar ?

    Hahaha..you understand what I'm saying ?Hope so. :lol:

    To maintain consistancy in your tank, a good and precise top-up system is very important. As precise as possible.

    Have fun with your tank. Patience is success in everything.


    Like they used to say, only bad things happened fast.


  9. Yes, you can do that. Star polyps belongs to the family of polyps. It's not a large coral so the rock is not something that will really affected the polyps. Just be prepared to lose a few polyps. It's very common to lose a few polyps becos after all our strength is too great for a fragile little piece of coral.

    just made sure u do it properly. :lol:

    I did cut up my pipe-organ into 4 pieces and throw them at four different locations in my tank.

    Will do will do. good luck. And one more thing...they grow fast. So gimme some when there is too much of them. Hhahaha. :D

    Good luck.


  10. Are u using a salt mix or seawater ? becos usually good salt mix comes with a good content of minerals for u.

    Low magnesium level is quite common for a start becos magnesium will be lost thru precipitation.

    Seachem mag dosage is one tsp per 80litres. depends on ur tank size.

    so how big is ur tank ?

    My advice for a start-up tank is to use Reef Builder to increase the hardness of ur water first.

    With the KH at correct parameters, then ur mag, cal, str and pH will be stable. And that's why it's called reef builder. Or u can try other pH buffer products which contain carbonate.

    The reason why your pH is all over the place is due to your KH.

    So solve the first problem then look into Mg. :lol:

    pH and kH are the most important things for any tank even as for freshwater.

    when these are maintain, u can use Seachem's Advantage calcium once a week to increase ur calcium level and maintain both of your str and mg level.

    This way your Mg will also increase by a bit.

    Mg and Sr level is not the main focus for cycling a tank.

    The main focus should be your ammonia and nitrite.

    Be patience.

    made sure u have both ammonia and nitrite level up in ur tank.

    then monitor in fortnight with a suitable dosage of bacteria.

    At the same moment u can raise your Mg and Sr level slowly.

    It should be at the right level once u witness a zero level for both ammonia and nitrite.

    You should get zero reading as there is no livestock.If the ammonia and nitrite release from a piece of prawn or any detritus can't even be eliminated by a whole system of bacteria, then your biological system is a failure.

    Once everything is settled. MORE PROBLEMS COME.hahaha...phosphate, silicate, nitrate, temperature, lighting, current...ops...think i must have scared you. hehe.



  11. Live brineshrimp can be purchase at LFS. Even freshwater LFS do carry them.

    Most live brineshrimp are from thailand so some of them are only avail at diff. period of time.

    There are a few which carry them constantly.

    During feeding, you don't need to off the skimmer and filter.

    Unless it's the case that you are telling your skimmer and filter are so strong that they will suck them away right after you add them in. Brineshrimp they know how to swim and if there is a strong current, they will form into a formation of one line linking each other up hiding behind any structure.

    Storing live adult brine shrimp is a problem.

    If u have a refugium, that could be possible as build up in ammonia level will kill them.

    But I doubt u have interests in keeping them because they need monitor.

    For temp. storage, any container with water aerated will do. :>

    Hey bro, I am working on a new reef food product called X-factor. :lol:

    A few of them have tried it, even myself.

    I have seen the effect of enticing itn it strongly and right now I am still working on it but just lacking of case study.

    Will like to offer you a few free samples for me to use as a case study and also to see how to work upon it. Don't know if you are interested to try it out.

    Sms me at 81968903 or Pm me.

    Can come and collect the sample to try it out.

    No harm trying and all the best in getting it to feed.


  12. Looking to adopt or buy in those sick fishes of yours. Those with Ich problem are good. as long as they are sick not dying..

    not dying becos of fights and injuries.

    willing to buy if sell at low price. thanks.

    Seems weird right ? got ppl want to buy sick fishes. hahaha. :lol:


    Slug is one of the hardest to keep species due to unknown of their diet. Slugs have their own particular diet. Some feed on sponges, some feed on algae and the rest feed on sea pens, bryozoans, hydroids, sea squirts and soft corals.

    There are too many species of slugs available in the ocean. Nevertheless, they are there as part of the ecosystem. Each of them has a part to play in this system.

    Slugs or Nudibranchs. They are really beautiful and colorful. Even that they look like a worm, but are actually as beautiful as butterfly. Some of the people out there claimed that when slugs died, they would release poison and pollute the tank.

    It's true to a certain extent because it did pollute the tank. But it's not the venom that pollute the tank.

    There are too much kind of slugs and each species has its own characteristic and nature.

    LETTUCE SLUG belongs to the family of Elysiidae.

    There are a lot of types of lettuce slugs.

    The one you saw in the market most likely is the Tridachia crispata.

    They are in fact effective algae grazers. Often being included in the cleaner group.

    In fact, lettuce slug will eat the algae and convert the chloroplasts into its own cells.

    Using them, they can make use of light to provide energy for them. Some said that the algae it grazed on determine the color of the lettuce slug. Isn’t it amazing?

    Working side by side with your snails and starfishes, they work as a team of cleaners. :>

    The only known predator for lettuce slug is the POWERHEAD.

    I have experiences with many slugs before.

    Right now I am not having any problem with my Glossodoris atromarginata.

    It consumes sponges and had been there for half a year.

    Even if u cover the powerhead’s inlet, the stupid slug still will get suck in it because it’s just dumb. Nono…because it’s of the way they swim. They will make use of the current to bring them around the tank. And it often brings them to their death.

  14. Hey guys, sorry for the late reply. Have been running all over the place today. Busy day. :D

    I will pm you guys the price. as for the brother who cannot PM, pls kindly sms me at 81968903.


    And one bad news guys, the stock is running out due to popular demands. haha.

    So right now it's FCFS. Or else you need to wait for the second batch which will also be ready next week.

    All ingredients are freshly selected and one batch i don't made alot so as to assure it's freshness.

    Grab fast or else u need to wait for next week.

    Fastest way is to sms me. hahaha. :phone:

  15. hahaha...ya...garlic juice is in it too...

    and thanks for those who sms and pm me regarding it. Feel free to ask any questions regarding it.


    It contains a bit of everything. Have done a lot of research before venturing into it so each ingredient is specially pick for a reason or two. Growth, color and immune system are the main focuses for X-factor. :lol:

  16. Thanks bro. ill send to u on time tomolo noon. :lol: cheers.

    I used to work in the kitchen before so my culinary skills are not bad la..hahaha..

    selection of fish and stuffs all done by myself one. haha. :>

    thanks for the support.

    more products are coming soon. be patient.

    X-factor is suitable for reef and fish-only tanks.

    Soon i will produce more for diff. types of fishes.

    It contains garlic extract too to help in the immune system of ur fish.

    It's good for herbi and omni fish.

    Good for ur inverts like shrimps too..

    I feed my sun corals and shrimps with it..

    hahaaha..they love it. maybe i should post some pic of them feeding soon. :D

  17. the final mix-up..after 3 hours of fish and clams and all the cutting and tidy up.

    Phew...sweat and now with all the fishy smell.

    If you got any questions regarding "X-factor", just feel free to ask me. I am very friendly de so dun need to be scared. Except for the secret ingredients part. Hahaha. :lol:


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