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Everything posted by ahho

  1. ahho

    DIY Overflow Pipe

    Bro Gouldian Tks for the useful link. I base on my water level. I need 2800l/hr flowrate and 28.44mm drain pipe. Might need to re-do.. This time will look for transparant pipe..
  2. ahho

    DIY Overflow Pipe

    Thank you bro Gouldian I'll try to look for 2000l/hr pump with controllable valve.. Maybe custom make another bigger overflow pipe Cheers..
  3. Hi All I've copy the DIY overflow pipe from the member here This is with the help of my friends workshop. I've tested and happy with flow.. I'm using a 20mm pipe with 50mm outer pipe. Please advice what's the maximum flowrate can this take? My tank is 48" x 20" 20" and keeping few fish and LPS. I saw the AqueBee 3000. The pump look small for 3000 flowrate. Is the pump powerful enough for return pipe? Thank you Attached Pic of my overflow pipe.
  4. Hi All Selling the items below. 1. 4ft single tube with Arcadia 30W 36" marine white fluorescent light - $30 2. 4ft single tube with Arcadia 30W 36" marine blue fluorescent light - $30 Not sure the brand of the light set but is abt 2yo. Both Arcadia light tube use abt 5 months. 3. JEBO Skimmer with power pump - Touch water once but nvr use - $40
  5. Hi Bro, PM you. You can contact me on my mobile. Thank you.
  6. ahho

    Clown for Adoption

    Ok, I've PM you my contact. Cheers.
  7. Abt 3''... Collection at Buangkok (near Sengkang). Cheers..
  8. Hi, i'm new to marine tank. Any idea how to DIY a trap to catch crab and mantis? I suspect they're the one attacking my small fish. I can see them lurk around the LR but unable to catch them. My five goby went mssing over 2 weeks... can't even find the dead body.. Thank you.
  9. Hi Dom I'm new to marine set-up. May I ask what is the refugium tank for? Is the water over flow to the tank for filter purpose? Hope I'm not asking a silly question. I'm trying to read the member tank set-up and learn about this hobby. Thank you.
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