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Posts posted by Fishyfish

  1. Kh can rise to that level when your tank does little water changes or the top up water is not balanced.

    but at 18dkh your sps have a good chance of having burn tip and STN.

    so since your sps are fine, the increase in KH should be gradual and not a one shot event.

    if you wish to reduce it, do go very slow on this.

    when was the CR introduced?, i think the flow is probably too high and yes water changes will reduce all these if the buffering is done correctly

    but if CR and the KH increase were just introduced like maybe today.. you might be in for a busy morning.

    rule of the thumb is always to watch your corals reaction.

    Thanks bro for your advice. So far no burnt tips or STN. CR been around since 7 mths. High flow from the CR puts more calcium into the water or more KH? How to get balanced top up water? :unsure: May change some of the water this weekend and remeasure...


  2. Hi Bros & Sis,

    My KH measures 18 dKH today. I typically don't measure anything apart from salinity. I've not tested for calcium since my calcium monitor probe died on me half a year ago.

    The test kit is ELOS which is rather new and therfore quite accurate.

    I use an ADV CR using fluidising Rowalith with a secondary chamber using ARM. My top-up water is all made up of calcium hydroxide solution. I use only NSW.

    My tank is SPS dominated. They are mostly healthy and growing. Some of them could do with better colours while most of them are of good/acceptable colouration.

    Should I panic since it is rather high? :wacko: Acceptable is 7-12 dKH right? Should I try to lower it? How? Water change? Adjust the flow of the CR? It's set to like peeing now...

    Any advise from senior reefers will be much appreciated. Thanks!! :ThanxSmiley:

  3. Hi Bro Cedric,

    Thanks for the goodies today. They are eye popping and mouth watering!!!

    All seem to be doing well for the moment. Can't wait for the Monti to colour up even more!

    Will certainly be back for more goodies especially the "you know what"....

    The kind bro who directed me to your post is bro CFOh.

    BTW, I think your fav SPS may be A. Loripes or A. Lokani.

    See you soon perhaps at my humble setup...


  4. Hi Cedric,

    Would like to buy some frags from you. Ps PM me address and arrange viewing time.



    Thanks bros for the kind comment, kind of oversized hat for me haa...

    Anyway, just to clarify here that not all my staff are rare gems, some are common staff which you can all find from lfs around you. But i always find almost all corals a beauty by itself and in a way a gem by its own right. The only thing we could all do is to give them TLC and help to bring out it's individual glory, which is what i like most.

    Cheers and happy reefing to all.

  5. Hi Guys and Girls,

    Does anybody know how to open up the canister for the DI unit from ML?

    I tried to turn the top off but it wouldn't budge. Is the top threaded? I can't find any other fastening screws, etc so i assume the top is screwed on. Is a special tool needed? Or a machine? It is REALLY tight. I got some of those resins which I wanna try..... Must try to save some money.....

    Please help! Thanks! :thanks:

  6. Best Price: Fixed.

    Collect on Saturday Morning..

    First Come First Serve.

    PM me to arrange for collection on Sat Morning.

    1. 7" Sohal Tang - $130

    2. 5.5" Blueface Angel - $60

    3. 5" Indo-Pacific Sailfin Tang - $20

    4. 3.5" Scopus/Brown Tang - $5 (Sold and Collected)

    I'll take the Blue Face for $60. Pls advise time to view and collect. Check pm. Contact number will be useful too thanks.

  7. Hi all,

    I recently introduced a nice Leopard Wrasse into my 8.5x1.5x1.5 mixed reef tank thinking it would be safe from other fish with the numerous hiding places.

    I was quite wrong. The moment it was in the tank, it was immediately set upon by my 3 six-line wrasses. It was chased from end to end, found, chased again, beaten up till its fins were torn.... I've never seen such aggression.... Even when it lay panting, it was still beaten up. I thought it was a goner but saw tha it was still alive after 3 days - a miracle.... :blink:

    I went to buy another leopard wrasse today to try to dilute the aggression but the other one was also relentlessly chased around, dunno what got into these six-lines.... :angry:

    What should I do next? I can't catch any fish as all my rockwork are epoxied and crowded with corals.

    Add some more leopard wrasse?? There are non left from where I bought them... :erm::cry::(

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