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fishes die slowly.. one by one

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over a period of few months.. all my fishes gone one by one.. at first due to white spots and then ok for a period of time then now come back but no longer white spots...

yesterday just get a mandarin fish but died this morning.. coz heard from lfs that it will eat away the pods...

now how? my bubble, yellow poly, juwels, lots of xenia, star etc all seems fine.. sea cucumber also... but i guess nothing got to do with it..

pls give comment..

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Then what I can think of it the water in your tank is infected. Fish disease do not generally affect inverts or corals.

Is your tank relatively new? eg less than 6 months? My tank is also experiencing an outbreak which have killed most of my fishes.

Think the cheapest way is to leave the tank without fishes for a period of 4-6 weeks. In the mean time continue with regular water change of like 20% per week.

Otherwise invest in UV steraliser or ionizers to help control harmful bacteria, parasite etc.

I might be wrong. I am rather new to this hobby and learning as you do.

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over a period of few months.. all my fishes gone one by one.. at first due to white spots and then ok for a period of time then now come back but no longer white spots...

yesterday just get a mandarin fish but died this morning.. coz heard from lfs that it will eat away the pods...

now how? my bubble, yellow poly, juwels, lots of xenia, star etc all seems fine.. sea cucumber also... but i guess nothing got to do with it..

pls give comment..

There are so many ways your fishes could have died from. Without more information of your tank and the livestocks you have, one can only guess. The one I can offer a very probable answer to is why your mandarin die: Starvation.

Mandarins are not for new hobbyists with small and inmature tank. They did a constant supply of copepods, amphipods etc to thrive; which small and new aquaria does not have. Unless, you can find one that will feed on frozen food, it'll slowly starve to death. :( Mandarins are beautiful fishes which are better off left in the ocean, unless we can provide the optimum environment for it to live. :)

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