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Bubble coral excreting brown slime


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The slime is brownish and its like a string (hair strand) and gets blown away by the current in the tank. The slime is not covering the bubble.

It seems to have just stop excreting the brown slime. What could it be? Is it normal?

Water parameters are good as my jewel just gave birth. It was very bloated this afternoon and I was afraid that something is wrong. After which I saw its baby :lol::lol:

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Frogspawn, Torch and Hammer corals all belong to the same family Euphyllia and are all susceptible to protozoans attacks. The brown slime that your hammer and frogspawn are excreting are symtomatic of such an attack.

What you could do is give your coral a freshwater dip (1 minute) to get rid of the protozoans and than putting the whole colony back in saltwater; then direct a strong current at them to flush away all the mucus as well as to prevent re-infection.

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I brought it for a Freshwater dip yesterday night and used a Power head to blow away all the brown slime.

This morning noticed that some of its mouth is still open but no brown slime. Is this normal?

Read from other thread that AT has advised using Seachem Reef Dip for such disease. Should I be doing that or is Fresh Water dip good enough?

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