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saltwater hermit sold as FW hermits


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  • SRC Member

yap. agree with bro fuel.

Anyway, i went to a freshwater LFS who sell big red hermit crab....

I bought 2.....throw it into my sump tank with lots of live rock....they had been living happily ever since.

Now thinking of giving it away...cute but they dun look happy on my sump tank.

Any bro interested?


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  • SRC Member

hmm.. then why do we see so many FW FS selling those land hermits? .. best is they just tell customers that they just need little FW from time to time. <_<

BTW are those the ones seen at CF? They usually have a tank full of them.. big red hairy kind. :P

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Land hermits can be kept but you will need to have experience with them. You will probably need to join a dedicated hermit crab forum to learn how to keep a land hermit alive more than just a few months. They are just as difficult as seahorses. As far as I know no one sells hermit crabs locally while also providing sufficient information to keep them alive in the long run. Wait till land hermits moult and you will get what I mean. Those hermits in the picture are strawberry hermit crabs native to Australia. Supposedly wild collection for the aquarium trade has been banned or probably very strictly regulated (for research, etc).

Always something more important than fish.


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