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Posts posted by roger

  1. Sorry if I am not serious enough before. :paiseh:

    My contribution:

    1. Those who dun like the rules & regulations in AT's SRC forum can pack up and go. I think those who are good citizens know that it is a good forum and good place to learn about responsible reefing. I have no problems with AT's style of mgt and I can say he is like a good manager or foreman like in my company. I will promote him to GM because he is a better manager than me... I will just sack any worker who is like some parasites here. <_<

    2. Those who stay have to learn how to give back to the club by sharing with other reefers esp. newbies more. Be friendly and respect your fellow men. Keep your criticism about other people to yourself and if you have to criticise, give a humble solution and hope the other fella know u mean no harm or offense. No need to be so proud and make more friends this way. Life is short and reefing is fun!

    3. Respect the administration and mods. They are serving us and get paid nothing. As for AT making money from SRC, it is his right to. Coming to this cat and dog industry is very brave and I salute him. Who are we to say how and whether he can make money from his own website? Some people talk without their brains or heart. The mods also do this service and we have to respect them and obey their rules. What's so difficult?

    4. Be a nice human being to others and others will be the same to you.

    5. We must learn to forgive and forget. Nobody is perfect and you can't expect SRC founder to be perfect so shut up and keep quiet if you have nothing good to say (for his enemies). AT must also forgive and forget to show you are a better person to those who attack you.

    6. We must ALL agree together to make SRC a nice place. Agreed? Time to start with you and me and not wait for AT to always remind us.

  2. I was disappointed by a magazine that is catered towards the asian market..& if I'm not wrong it is published in singapore. I forgot the title of the magazine but if you go borders you will know which magazine I'm talking about. The standards are not there at all. For example...I remember reading "advice" about using 5 damselfish to introduce ammonia to help the tank mature.  <_<  This advice came from someone from aquamart (I can't be bothered to censor as I'm stating a fact). But pricing wise it's rather cheap. Oh well....you get cheap advice from buying a cheap mag.

    I read the magazine (Aquarium and Pets Asia) and saw the damsel fish cycling tip by Mr Tan Cheng Hock... let me type what I see...

    "5 damsel fishes are now added to feed the nitrogen cycle that began with the addition of live rocks.

    If many of your Damsels have survived the last week, it is now time to add snails and hermit crabs!!!" :blink: I thought it is cruel, right? What happen to responsible reefkeeping?? :paiseh:

    I saw their display tank photos inside the mag but got red slime, dead brains and dead Acro but lucky got 3 very nice brains. ;)

    Anyway I thought they close already? Still around? No more at Paya lebar right? now where? I think I need to send in my old aquamedic denitrator, like still cannot work right leh.

  3. I think we need to be super strict or super relaxed to please everyone, hahaha! Maybe we can switch months! maybe AT & the mods can take a break and let Acropori and Reefaholics to run the place!! Sorry... its a joke!

    Siput, I thought there are already a set of rules & guidelines already posted up for all to see... AT's signature already got state wat.

    Some parasites should go to a parasite forum and create their trouble their... now in SRC. No point if they are unhappy here anyway.

    Seriously... it is good to be strict about behaviour. Every place got rules. Respect the rules or get out. It's simple as dat!

  4. Marine snow is not a good product because the fact is it is made up of a lot of water and little nutrition , there is a fact sheet posted up. Use the search key and enter 'Marine Snow'... you will see some interesting info and comments. Yahoo will show you the RC lab report by Dr Ron.

  5. Forgive my bluntness but as a infrequent visitor to SRC I can say that there only a few rotten apples that spoil the basket.

    SRC is great place and I have made quite a few friends here who I reget that I am the one too busy to carry on toking about reefing.

    AT, ignore those who only see the bad things about you that I think they dun know u at all. Its all them listening to rumors and gossip from your enemies... look at the way they talk to you.. so childish and so immature. Every finger they point at you, 3 more is pointing at them. Dun fall into their trap.

    If you really get to know the man, he is actually quite nice (toking abt AT).

    I have observe that many people who create trouble in SRC are not TRUE contributers to the community, they only come here to MAKE USE of SRC. They only come here to criticise. They are like PARASITES!!! Worse than ICH!

    Let them leave and go find their own home somewhere else, it is better for SRC, the only marine forum in SG where the good information is and the good reefers are, all thanks to the founder with the vision and the hard work, all this time, who complaint very little but get the most complaints (from parasites of course).

    My 2 rupiah....


  6. Wow... so many politics! I think we hobbyists should keep away from LFS politics, enjoy the hobby more this way!

    Singapore got so many LFS what. Who is this #### shop anyway, is it the same shop that ban a list of SRC members from his shop before and also the one who sell his diluted plankton water to people before AT question him upside down?

    I am so out of date as I have no time to come into SRC so often like last time.

    Siaz, tank crash a few months ago but no time to restart. Eyesore now. wife and kids making so much noise after Nemo haha.

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