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Posts posted by cage

  1. maybe if u change your avatar.. its damn ugly n lower your chances of getting freebies.

    I can chose to use the avatar of a 36D cup AV ###### star but what's the point ? Marilyn Manson is weirder but i see nothing wrong with it. Anyway we're straying off the topic here :lol:

  2. Hi Cage.... are you prepared to spend substantial money in this hobby? It's seriously not cheap, even if you can scrimp here and there... you do get what you pay for.

    Hi, i can honestly say that i'm prepared to skip 3 meals from 6 meals a day and reduce my protein supplement intake just to keep this hobby.

    This is not some spur of the moment thing. Its been something i been thinking about since i was 10. :heh:

  3. after winning my big bet last week, draw for arsenal vs portsmouth which i bet, i have decided to throw all my winnings into today's wolves vs chelski.

    i have bought big in both draw and win for wolves. this is most prob the best time to bet against chelski.

    1)coming back from sparta prague

    2)wolves have yet to win at home

    3)the odds are ridiculously high for wovles of me to miss a gamble

    so fingers crossed tonight!!

    Hope you'll lose everything regularguy..nothing against you...i'm a chelsea supporter :D

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