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  1. if u got a photo or anything similar. wats the size? im looking at abt 1inch size.
  2. looking for cowfish longhorned fish...if anyone letting go.
  3. bro, i want 1X 36W 10K PL & 1X 36W Blue
  4. I have been feeding them prawn, feeding them is very fun, you must put the prawn right in front of their face.
  5. I have a moray and ribbon eel and would like to know how often should they be fed?
  6. I do have a white ribbon eel and i feed him with market prawn. you must put the food right in front of its mouth cos eels are generally short sighted.
  7. I have this eel for abt 2wks and been feeding cut prawn. u got to use a stick and hold the prawn right in front of his face cos i read eel are short-sighted.
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