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Mark Leong

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Everything posted by Mark Leong

  1. Hi guys, Was wondering where I can purchase a cover to fit the lights and a fan inside? My tank is a 2ft by 1 ft ? Thanks!
  2. Singapore's weather is getting pretty warm... esp. today. Would like to find out what is the recommended temperature for a Marine fish tank with live rocks only...? below 31oC? Thanks
  3. Hi guys, need some help on the pros and cons of covering the marine fish tank in my room. Currently, I have just placed a DIY plastic cover above the tank with live rocks - still cycling. The plastic cover sits about 1 inch above the tank, some gap for ventilation. Advantage - with Cover - Keeps the salt away from TV and computer in room Disadvantage - with cover - Raises temperature? - blocks the light (in future) Thinking of any solution to overcome this problem.... Regarding the temperature issue, I might overcome it by purchasing a fan?.. but th light issue, I have no idea. Any inputs will be much appreciated!
  4. I am looking to set up a 2ft marine Fish tank. I have been keeping Freshwater fishes for quite some time but am new to Saltwater. My observations of some of the Marine Fish tanks has caused me to read a lot more on saltwater aquarium before lauching into it quickly. I have seen much un-desireable algae i.e brown coloured algae growing on the sand, glass, and even the live rocks look quite dirty.... and the water looks blurry. After seeing this, I would like to prevent this from happening in my Marine fish tank as much as possible........ hence, I am considering this right from the start to get it right at the 1st stage before I launch into purchasing the wrong stuff and following the wrong procedures... All expert advice on the above topic is much appreciated!
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