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Posts posted by mopiko

  1. imo gettting a prefessional (lfs) to help setup may end up spending alot more then own mistakes.

    not all lfs are as honest and as helpful, got to chose carefully.

    LOL. bro reddevils speaks from experience :rolleyes: . maybe you can get a good 2nd hand set up unit in pasar malam, this way can plug and play- add live sand, live rocks, water, cycle and you ready to go :0)

  2. Hi all reefers :) Am sure many of you still head overseas for holidays despite having a marine tank!

    Was wondering what are the stuffs you all take note of and prepare in preparation (etc, for a 10 days trip)


    IMO best to get someone in the family to take care or buddy up with fellow reefer to take care when you away. the filter might clog or skimmer goes haywire, chiller died etc.

  3. Just curious, how long does it take to make 20L of DI water using the Crystal Pro? And how many litres is the cannister rated for? Is the cannister refillable?

    hi bro

    think how many litres will depends on the quality of your tap water and how long it takes to make 20L depends of the flow from your tap too. some reefers tried and managed to open the cannister and change the resin:)

  4. it is still volume based with regards to your tap water ppm. one cartridge can only give you this volume means this volume. slower flowrate only gives you a better ppm during collection.

    but still, all the best.

    agreed with bro law. beside volume of water it also depends largely on the quality of tap water in your house. apparently recently the water quality not been very good

  5. I have received a PM bid for $45 from a reefer who wishes to remain anonymous. So the latest bid now is $45. Bidding by PM is not encouraged as it may cause timing problem especially towards closing time.

    bro as this is an auction, may i suggest to be fair and open to everyone, here shouldn't be any bid via PM.

    i shall support, bid S$48.00

  6. I used to have that same problem with my 2 K4, but that issue doesnt post much problem for me. I never have that kind of problem with tunze yet. I also did wash my 2 K4 with vinegar + water before I sold it, it was still working fine when i test it after washing. i believe its something else that cost the death of ur pump

    happy reefing

    wa! bro law how many k4 you had before you changed to tunze? 2 leak electric and 2 sold. lol. i tried once scared liao. read new generation tunze not as steady as old models. yet to fire up the nano tunze hope it will serves me well.

  7. I luv tunze products. But the new ones sucks. My old faithful 6060 runs non-stop for more than 3 years.

    But my 3 new tunze nanos died after 1year. I heard now they are made in china.

    I thought of using hydor, since they are still made in non-china.. <_< . Not sure.. may be made in china as well.. :angry:

    I am using this taiwanese product. Looks like a torpedo. Sold in petmart and controllable and the output can come from left or right.

    wa bro so jialat? i jus got a 2nd hand tunze nano the box printed proudly "made in germany". do the new tunze box have "made in germany"? the hydor i got was made in italy olso leak current after 1 yea and surprisingly the seio is the workhorse until today. :rolleyes:

  8. oops too late... I bought the small fish and marine last night... everyone's happy with it except for the goby of course... Hopefully they all adapt well.

    Thanks to all who chipped in here!

    hi bros

    i noticed some of the fish food states for fresh and marine fish. NLS and ocean nutrition pellets container also states for fresh and marine fish. is this okay? cos i read somewhere before to avoid food that states for both time of fish as it is not really nutrition enough for marine fish ... i'm currently mixing ON, NLS and a few other brands...

  9. Hey reefers,

    After dosing medication for 10 days and doing a 20% water change and ICH is still present in the system what do you do next?

    Continue the medication for the next 10days?

    Keep changing water?

    Try to catch fishes infected and give them a paraguard treatment?

    pls advice....very tired of this ich issue :angry2:

    bro dosing medication will not get rid of itch. there is no cure for itch and the most effective way to treat and stop itch cycle is dosing copper or hypo the fish. you can find out more of these 2 types of treatment in the threads here. do a search.

  10. sorry ranchuboy,

    i dun mean to give u wet blanket but coexisting is highly unlikely. been there done that.

    unless u have a tank of atleast 8ft -10ft.

    but still all the best for it.

    yeap agreed. but he already got the fish liao unless he give up one otherwise he gottna sell away one. there is also a new AT.... if it was me, i would take out the existing powder blue. release the AT into the tank and put the hybrid and PBT into basket or betta box and wait a few months.

    beside aggression, white spots might come when under stress esp for PBT and the hybrid. be careful... i tried powder blue and powder black before one bigger than the other until white spots wipe them out after 6 mths... :(

  11. My 2.5" Hybrid Powder Blue Tang after 3 week's quarantine. Sorry about the poor picture quality (using my phone camera). 100% inch free and feeding on red bamboo, mysis, pellet and nori. I hope my resident 4" Powder Blue Tang will welcome this little fella with open fin.




    The top and bottom yellow finage is absolutely gorgeous. The normal PBT has a white chest. This hybrid has a blue chest making the whole fish completely blue. The tail also has a yellow vertical band. Really love this fish.

    you can try putting both fish is transparent box or betta box side by side. let them get use to each others release them after about 1 mth. ensure both feeding then release them both together. this might help in reducing aggressive a little.

  12. by using tap water and running yr reactor to reduce the phosphate level...yr media will need to be change every often.

    and lastly, chlorine + chlomines are bad for fishes and yr livestocks in the long run.

    hi bro so far so good changing every 3 months using about 5 spoon full each time :) used tap water for my top up but when distilled water for water change.

    bro goudian didnt knw now got chloramine .... onl recent mths can smell very strong chlorine when i shower or wash dishes.

  13. Was wondering if anyone had tested the phosphate level of singapore tap water.

    If yes what are the levels at and how far or deep into the danger zone for reef aquariums will these levels be.

    Also which brand and stage of RO units gives the highest percentage of phosphate reduction?

    Currently on distilled water and a RO unit will surely be more beneficial and economical on the long run.

    Do share your experiences and preference.

    i used tap water for my weekly top up and run PO4 reactor so far so good. however, notice that there is very strong chlorine smell when ever i on the tap at home. could be cos of the new water mixed.....

  14. Just want to ask around to see if any other reefers measure their nitrite (N02) levels. I understand that the best scenario it would be zero.

    I just tested my nitrites and it was at 0.25ppm, the levels are the same in my tapwater. Test kit brand is Salifert (expire in 2011).

    I have checked various online sources & they mentioned that most marine species can tolerate nitrite levels way above 50 ppm, even to the hundreds.

    I am not sure if I should be freaking out. :mellow:

    if FOWL should be okay. i have mine before 100 plus and when tested was ribena red colour

  15. Instead of catching it, is there some other special food that i can feed it with or encourage it to eat?

    hi bro like what bro terryz said its almost impossible to keep it alive in captivity. you might what to catch it out first and slowly flood it with food and finger cross there is something it like. try soakin the food in garlic to attract it to the food.

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