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Everything posted by kschew1498

  1. My rusty cat eye bubble.....dont know why there are stain on the bubble??
  2. oh....just have to feed the joker with dry shrimp.....small piece each time....twice a week I feed...but have to hand feed because my scarlet skunk cleaner and boxer are very greedy.... I believe must lights is also a must! I just to have 2 tube anemone but one died!
  3. oh....very very pai say.... This 2 footer has been with me since Sept 2003. Upgrading soon so thought of sharing some pic. of the tank.
  4. My pumping xenia tear themselves and stick themselves to the glass....
  5. oh!!.....not giving up this hobby....but just going to give up this 2 footer tank because I am upgrading very soon.
  6. Hi I am giving up this 2 footer soon so thought of sharing some pic of my miserable 2 feet tank...
  7. Hi...How do you guys go to Dayang nowadays? By land to Mersing (3-4hrs) then by bum boat to Dayang (6hrs)??? Any changes? Tioman better.....got flight.....door to door the most 2 hours.
  8. hahahaha I really like your innocent question.....dont worry...I ask that before as well.....but on somebody thread! Anyway....I am also looking for tonga as well....sigh!
  9. wah....really envy you leh......the excitment of going for a holiday....shiok man....be safe bro. and share with us some photos.... Been donkeys years since I was there......
  10. oh....they feature this program on the magazine??!!!
  11. Hiaz....recently a blue tang (1.5") gone MIA!!! The others on my list are blood shrimp, anthias, chromis......some died but couldnt retieve its carcasses as I didnt want to rearrange my LR & Tonga so let my cleaning crew do the job and also just change water. Sigh! think about it I lose quite a number of fish because of my ignorant and impulse buying!! Now anticipating my anthias to be on its way to heaven.....have not been eating!
  12. hmmmm.....was wondering why is this thread posted in this forum title? (The sea horse and Pipefish Forum)... Anyway thanks for sharing.....
  13. wah...so disasterous!!! I didnt know that water circulation is so important!!! For half a day you already have so many casualty!!! DANGER..... Rodian and Weileong, was wondering if you guys can share with us on your finding?! Thanks.
  14. hehe went to Dayang and Aur many many years back during Poly time (once to Aur and once to Dayang)....was wondering if it is very commercialise??!!! I must say it is a very very nice place even though the bum boat ride was a disasterous one! I dont dive but even the snokerling was real fun! I hope I can go back again. We even spotted dolphin on the way back to Mersing..... Was wondering how is the boat ride nowadays......it was like almost impossible....or should I say troublesome and unsafe for a lady to take the bum boat ride to these island many years back...... Was contemplating to bring my Mdm there in April or rendang or langkawi or even just Tioman.....so many nice place to go for snokerling.....
  15. Ooorrrr! But I didnt add any harderner! I just mix the sea salt with tap water which was left untounch for more than a week. Apparantly I find out last night while testing the parameters, my dkh was 6-7 only!!! After I did my water change I added a cup of Kent ph buffer to buff up the dkh.....will measure again tonight! sigh!
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