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Posts posted by kschew1498

  1. kekeke....saw this instructions somewhere.....very familiar.......where huh?! :huh::lol::lol::lol:

    Well.....you must be very discipline to practice this method! I screw up a bit because of my busy schedule...... :paiseh: ....luckily no casaulty......only flooded my skimmer cup and my living room with skimmate :sick::lol::lol: which I couldnt explain why?.....probably the skimate was too wet! <_<

    Worth trying.......at the same time a dose to myself with the Volka!..... :lol:

  2. Yo Alan....who is Keigo? Your boyfriend?? hahahaha :lol::lol: jokin jokin......was scratching my head when I saw the heading......

    Anyway...nice work on your tank! By the way your electricity bills must be :shock: .....your lightings are just! :whistle

    Cool stuff you have!....thanks for your advise too.....I am just starting to dose volka recently..... :paiseh: ......pretty happy with the result.....hehe :paiseh: cheap way of keeping the tank away from algae and red carpet.......hehe....In addition I add in a six spot sleeper goby!......damn.....she is so hard working! ;)

  3. Gosh!.....you manage to capture some many weirdo in your dive!......How deep were you if I may ask? :P

    By the way may I ask if you have to Pantara Island for diving? I was talking to a Indonesian friend recently about diving and was telling him how much I wish I could make a trip to Manado and he told me I need not have to go all the way to Manado.......and I could have a good dive in Pantara island too.....which is only 2 hours boat ride from the Java Island!....I travel to Jakarta mostly......

    Anybody got any experience in Diving in Pantara.....kekeke....going Jakarta next week....so.... :evil::evil: but then hor....I still havent got my PADI card/cert.......can I dive with just the log card?

  4. bro all the stray cats below your block sure very fat one :lol:

    :lol::lol::lol: .....dont like that la :paiseh: .....I take very good care of my fish one hor.......especially my current new tenant.....the majestic Sohal!........so far all fat fat one........ :P

    Well.....sometime I feed my dead fish to my coral.....the giant bubble I have especially! :lol:

    I used to have a small koi pond in my living room when the indoor pond craze was on!.......I converted my dead rabbit box into a koi pond.....the place was then taken over by my 5 footer now.....kekeke :lol: ....

    Show us your Koi pond leh!......pai say mine koi small and cheap one.....hehe :paiseh:


  5. you very bad leh..when my first maltese died 7yrs ago,I cremated her and the 2nd one died 4yrs ago,I cremated her too.It costed $250 for each time and I still keep their urn on my bookshelf...not sentimental mah,no matter what,we spent time with them till they died

    :lol::lol::lol: .....well.....my believe....treat them well when they are alive!..... :lol: ....talking about that.....better call my parents..... :paiseh::paiseh::lol::lol::lol:

  6. Bro...you are a very sentimental person! ;)

    Pardon me......I just swing my dead fish out of the kitchen window! :paiseh: .....in fact when my lope ear rabbit died, I had a quarrel with my wife as she insisted that we should incinerate it rather then wrapping it with newspaper and throw it down the rubbish chut!..... :lol::lol: End up.....spent $60 for the incineration services!..... <_<:lol::lol::lol:

  7. :lol: .....thats what I notices with my wife's friends too.....worse still they influence my wife mindset as well!......thats why I hate some of her female friends......I rather she goes out with her male friends......more constructive conversation and +ve influence!

    Then again....same same......Man and Woman cannot be tooooo best friends.....like my case.....I end up marrying her!..... :lol::lol::lol:

    Recently I just happen to know a female friend and she is probably my only so call "Best Girl Friend".....but then sadly I tell myself I have to keep a distance because she is still a lady after all!......even worse....un-attached and attractive! :P

    So ironic huh?!....... <_<

  8. only have 1 true friend.....and i marry her.....;)

    hahahaa.....I started out that way too. Well....I must say she is my best friend and buddy! We study together, eat together then end up .....sleep together also.... :lol::lol::lol::paiseh:

    I too have a couple of good friends but they both are aboard. Recently one of this friend told me not to die too early as he will be very lonely. He said he couldnt think of another friend that he could call anytime without any hesitation! :lol::lol: .....I was so touch!

    We knew each other for > 17 years! :paiseh: and we talk anything.....really everything....including some very very personal and intimate stuff .....kekeke :fear: .....which I guess you probably wont share with any normal friends....... ;) .....and we always joke that we must always be best of best friends as we know too much of each others' secrets!!! :lol::lol::lol:

    Justiana......I have nothing against ladies but I must say that woman and woman just cant be best of best friend.....whats your view?.. ;)

  9. Wow...5n1 Sohal, great...what r e 5?

    Wanted Soha...my wife scolded me...hehe...

    Got 3 Cardinial yesterday, 2 died :cry2:, left one...dun know y?

    The 5 are namely Naso, Blue, Purple, Salifin and thompsoni tangs....... :P


    Iori_del....upz for your sales....hope they find themselves a good owner! ;)

  10. :blink: ...your sohal so big and you only sell for $45!!!......good catch manz!!!

    I can still remember the previous owner of my reef tank got a sohal as big as you and he wanted to sell his for a 3 figure prices!!! :fear::lol::lol::lol:

    Hmmm...very tempt to get your Orange shoulder tang....hehehe :paiseh: ...but I got too many tangs liao!......5 + 1 Sohal I introduce last night!..... :yeah:

  11. aiyoh... HAHA!

    Then keep the fish lo.. pass the prata to me la. :P

    Brother.....dont like that la......my tank got only this 2 gems ......2 beautiful prata I can ben proud of and you keep eyeing on them <_<:lol::lol::lol:

    Once I sell this fellow.....I will be able to buy brain coral la....cynarina la.....more prata.....and maybe a couple of clam.......which are all the favorites for this devil flame angel.......Sigh!....so far I lost a brain and a cynarina to this devil already!!!! :angry:

    YIPEEEEE :lol::lol::lol:

  12. Then again.......


    Expressing remorse is a very human response. It is a reaction to our

    emotions. Yet in so doing you might be risking unforeseen consequences.

    Last week, on the 60th anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II,

    Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi said publicly: 'Humbly

    acknowledging such facts of history, I once again reflect most deeply and

    offer apologies from my heart as well as express my condolences to all the


    He was probably safe from legal consequences. A month earlier the Tokyo High

    Court had told Chinese germ warfare victims that international laws 'do not

    give individual victims the right to demand direct compensation'.

    Not so for Australian prime minister, John Howard. He has taken the position

    that he can't say 'sorry' to indigenous Australians for past injustices

    because it could leave the Federal Government open to compensation claims.

    Three weeks ago, for a formal apology (and some money), Malaysian former

    deputy prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, dropped his lawsuit against former

    police chief, Rahim Noor. The apology was for a black eye Ibrahim received

    in a beating when he was arrested seven years ago. This was a good outcome

    for saying 'sorry'.

    *** Don't be sorry that you said 'sorry' ***

    However, what if a corporate board director expressed regret for a

    manufacturing error causing a withdrawal of product? Could he be opening a

    doorway for civil action?

    What if an obstetrician who was late for a delivery said she was sorry for

    the new-born child's unexpected death? Might this be taken as an admission

    of fault?

    Responding to our last issue of Negotium, several readers raised concerns

    that saying 'sorry' might be taken as an admission of guilt or liability

    with sorry legal consequences.

    They asked whether it was possible to apologise and show sincere compassion

    and regret without it becoming an admission of fault.

    Commonly for negotiators and influencers the answer will lie in expressing

    sorrow for the event, but not for your involvement in the event.

    *** Yet don't be sorry that you didn't say 'sorry'***

    Nevertheless, 'saying sorry' and 'admitting error' can be breakthrough tactics particularly when emotions are running high.


    Be wary that your words and conduct, or absence thereof, do not fuel

    perception that you are at fault or liable for an event and risk your legal

    position in a negotiation. Here are some tips:

    * simply acknowledge the significance of the event ('It must be so hard for

    you to have to deal with...')

    * state regret for the occurrence of the event ('I feel sad to tell you...')

    * express your emotions without using the words 'sorry' or 'apologise' ('I

    feel heavy-hearted and distressed...')

    * let the other person speak first - sometimes allowing them to vent their

    feelings is the only need that requires satisfying

    * avoid defensiveness - listen carefully before responding

    * if in doubt seek independent legal advice :lol:


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