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Posts posted by lvcap

  1. Hi Kouz

    my tank is nothing compared to those in this forum..

    bought cheapo rocks..and caught 2 mantis shrimps....fed them to my freshwater lobster!


    hope there arent any in the tank liao..

    to those setting up tanks soon..dun buy rocks from PR farms...

    super cheap but super losuy quality...

    hope the tank gets cycled soon..

  2. aiyoh..very chio liao lah..

    very good liao..

    dun get sad over the PBT...am i right?

    get another one another day bah..i am sure u did ur best in keeping it..u dint buy it when ur tank was not ready...

    cheer up..

    at least u got good gf and family..


    how i wish i could have the support of all the pple..

    my tank is a virtual lone mission..

    hope my cycling ends soon....ammonia is near 0..but nitrite is sky high..


  3. icic..

    i had the impression that 4 feet was the maximum regardless of cabinet or stand..

    so mine still legal loh..

    had the impression it was illegal


    hey roidan..

    when can see ur 4feet chio tank?

    see liao make my tank so humble..

  4. Sibei Good life leh Roidan..

    4feet tank just up and then now a bigger 6 feet

    why u so good got such supportive gf and family?

    i broke my bank to get my 5 feet sia...

    and my family all frown on the tank..


    really envious of u sia..

    hey all the best!!

    i really hope ur 6 feet will even surpass ur 4feet..by the way..ur 4 feet already very nice i must say..

    hey for chiller...why dun get dr chill's one?

    i using the 0.5hp one..super good i feel...

    just my 2 cents...

    dun be offended...

    lastly...thanks for all the advice and pm u shared with me!



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