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Posts posted by Ketchup

  1. Hi des and ketchup, did you get your carpet anemone from Henry's? Plan to get one but am doubtful it'll survive in my tank. Read a few articles that an ideal time to introduce one should be about 1 yr so any tips to share?

    Yes, it's from Henry... Desi told me Henry has some nicer colour ones but bigger in size...

  2. We collected 5 bartlett anthias and put them in the main tank already... very nice and shall take some pics and post when have time. So far, they have been schooling around fairly comfortable, chased occasionally by the YT but not really agressively. One of the bartlett, i suspect have some scratch, which i hope will recover but generally, all feeding well and swimming well and getting along with the other fishes...

    I think this is about the bioload that we will hold for now.,. plus maybe the tomato clown and boxer shrimp that now resides in our sump. Only addition that i likely to add is maybe a few more small snails, an algae blenny and some small fishes..

    Ultimately, we may add in another 2 tangs... Naso + Powder blue/brown. Thats it for livestock.

    Coral wise, we may add some to see if the black osci will host in any... considering frogspawn now... any other suggestions?

    For hadonni, we will only get if we can get a small specimen that is nice in colour.

  3. digibee: come see and you will love it. so get this one la.. hehezz..

    Ketchup: yeah mine is in-sump model. external model should be here anytime soon...

    Not so soon.. i think end of the month.. well, anyway now not much lifestock and the spare unit loaned from RD is working well so no hurry la... collect later means warranty starts later! LOL

  4. looking good desi and ketchup! becaureful on your coral placement. favia and euphyllias can sting very well. especially the favia.... they look cute and harmless in the day... but at night they are terror.

    ya... actually surprise to see the flavia's tentacles quite long :P

    We will try and space it out a bit.. anyway, don't think will add in much more corals for now.. unless Desi cannot tahan and GO GO.. :P

  5. bro, i was in this hobby 3 to 4 years ago and i still see my tank pic in this forum using my nick as marinesavy and own a JBJ 24g previously. After years, can't even remember the tank cycling procedure. Anyway, thanks for your info. BTW, since i removed the market prawn and added fishes, now since all gone, should i need to put any dead fish or market prawn again?

    Guess the longer the cycling process result in a better stable tank in future. So.. i think i will leave the tank till after CNY.

    I think the best way is to kickstart the cycling again... throw in prawn, dose bacteria and check the water parameters

  6. Went to HomeFix just now; did not buy the plastic mesh;

    because need to buy the whole piece while I will be using just a tiny bit.

    Also, the tiny holes one is quite soft; not as sturdy as the bigger holes one.

    Nevermind, see how later tonight when reach home.

    Already asked for some piping changes so that I can remove the pipe in the IOS easily and catch those fishes.

    May need to spend more moolah ....!


    I may be buying some, if i buy, i pass you some. I saw it at NTUC at AMK Hub before. :P


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