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Posts posted by Ketchup

  1. I suggest trochus snails, sand shifting seastar, sand dollars. Cleaning shrimps depends on your preference. Many of us find them particularly irritating as they always snatch food away from my fishes/corals. Entertaining in the beginning, but once the novelty wears off, it's quite irritating.

    Haha... i think we will get some cleaning shrimps la.. i don't mind feeding them so long as they helps to maintain the health of the fishes :P

  2. Did a 50% waterchange yesterday and tested the parameters again and seems like the cycle is indeed complete. Will monitor these few days and then slowly introduce some cleaning crews/corals and tamer fishes to graudally increase the bioload.

    Seems to have quite a fair bit of pods (the tiny white small creatures), which must have been from some of the Live Rocks we have. Intend to add in a few pieces of liverock so we can prop up the last loose piece of fibreglass rock.

    ANy suggestions on what cleaning crew to stock up? We are thinking of some snails, cleaning shrimps, sand dollars/shifters and maybe 1/2 blenny... :)

  3. Digibee

    Finally see your tank up! :P I like the tank but a bit wasted leh.. 2 ft tank on 3.5ft cabinet... i think u have expansion plan in mind is it?! :P

    Anyway, using the livesand from caribsea and NO is good... helps cycling fast... our tank is cycled in about 1 week.. as we also have live rock and a refrigum (no live sand but dosed with some bacteria tablets).

  4. No experience with RBTA/BTA..... sorry, can't comment. The haddoni was already on a rock, and Henry was about to remove it from the rock when I decided to buy the rock as well so as not to stress the animal further. :)

    I placed the rock with the animal in the centre of the tank. It didn't move after that.

    From my experience with BTA... they usually will move around.. buying with the rock it's on is wise..:)

  5. thanks ketchup! :rolleyes:

    on the clown goby, you don't have to wait till you have sps. They will make do with most rocks or hard corals. They are really cute!

    The haddoni carpets arn't always available. You see many gigantic carroundaboutround though. The last I checked, Henry still has 1 or 2 haddonis. You can wait for some really nice coloured haddonis to appear though. :smile:

    Yeah.. Henry has a very nice giant carpet previously... but i feel it's too big.. Does haddonis grow very big as well>?

  6. nice work. i also tried to cycle my tank today but with salt mix. Result: manage to top up only 20% of my tank with DI water.. the flow rate from the di unit is too slow,. try to observe if there any critters in yr LR

    I dont think there's much critters, if any, in the live rock.. We bought it about 5 days ago and put in a separate tub to clean/prepare for it... Anyway, nothing in the tank now except for the prawns:P

  7. cant wait for the black sand and NSW too...

    black sand would look really nice,

    brings out the colours of some of the corals..

    just reading your thread makes me so excited about it too...

    am keeping track of this thread closely :upsidedown:

    Yup.. the NSW and Black Sand will be in tmr.. so basic rockscape shd be done and can start cycling either tmr or 1/1....

    The tank should be cycling while i am away for a week in angkor wat while desi keep track of the water parameters.. hopefully by mid-end Jan we can slowly start stocking up.. :)

  8. Wow! the setup really v. :yeah:

    V. impressed with RB's work!

    Yup... i think the setup is great and i don't regret choosing them..

    We have been consulted every step and learned a lot from them.. on top of that... they did a lot of stuffs that's outside their scope.. like wiring our nano tunze to make it long enough, putting silicon on our old 2 ft unused tank so we can use as QT Tank etc.

    They have been very neat and tidy too... and work very late the past 2 days... though partially their fault la... cos things arrived late ma! LOL..

  9. slowly slowly... need to get the mood sets before u can enjoy more... slowly slowly..

    Haha... yalor.. maybe 6 barletts ba... too few also not so nice... not moving as a school...

    Tank setup basically done.. Desi taking some more photos and will post later...

    Thanks to Elvin and Eugene from Reborn.. the setup, i feel, is very neat and tidy.. :)

  10. bartlett anthias are only available from hawaii shipments. best place to get them IMO is from iwarna during hawaii shipments as they carry them by the hundreds (literally), in MOST shipments. go early before the crowd and mass buyers to pick afew for yourself. within a day, 100 bartletts can be sold out.


  11. Hi guys, I am interested in this blotched anthias;

    but hardly find it in LFS.

    Anyone know where I can buy small one?

    Can I keep this fish in 2 or 3 together?



    I think i saw Victor (Sphinx) tank got 2 of these.. very unique and nice anthias :P

  12. Hi all, i recently bought an MH light from a fellow reefer here. It has a 150W 14K bulb. My tank is a Red Sea Max 130. I tried the lights and found that is not as bright as i have expected, in fact the built-in T5 is brighter.

    I assumed the MH takes some time to "warm up", but after 1 hour although the bulb heats up and is very hot, the light is still quite dim.

    So my question is

    1) Is one 150W 14k bulb enough for 1 2ft tank?

    2) Could it be that the placement should be directly on top? Since i was placing it slanted resting on the hood when testing

    3) How long does a MH bulb last? Maybe it is due for change, i think it is a year old.

    hmm... 150W MH shd be enough for 2 ft tank but i think the main question is what is the depth of your tank and do you have corals that requires strong illumination.. MH is very hot... and cannot come direct contact with saltwater..

  13. Ketchup,

    if you are using Live sand, the water is going to turn very very very cloudy/ mulky. I was using the black live sand and it took hours (like 4 - 6 hrs) to settle. The visibility was so bad that I cannot do anything for the whole night. (I used black sand, not sure about the white ones).

    Also when you place your rock, it is better to place them on the base instead of sandbed. If your rocks foundation are on the sandbed, next time when you siphon the sandbed for maintenance or keep any fishes that mess with your sandbed (like my jawfish), the rockscape might crumble.

    Just some points for you to ponder.

    Hmm... i use black live sand also leh.. jacky :P nm, my intention is to put most live sand in 1st, esp the fine one into the tank 1st... then add NSW. As for live rock placement... if you look at my design.. it will be on the eggcrate actually... so very little sand on top of eggcrate unless i want to make it very high on certain sections :P The eggcrate design also ensure that i wont disturb the the central part of the sand bed no matter what i do :P Of course, i did leave gaps and holes for the snails and whatever to move around :P

  14. yeah bartletts school better. chromis will fight amongst themselves until one is left. usually.... when getting a group of anthias always get all females as a dominant one will morph into a male. more than 1 males may fight. alternatively get 1 male and all females. 1 female might moprh and u will end up with 2 males. can keep all successfully together. anthias are quite peaceful even amongst same gender.... only the occasional squabble.

    ic... seems like quite ok from what i read as well... I think we will likely keep barletts instead of chromis then... which LFS stock them ah? AM? i hardly see anthias at CF iirc.

  15. Really? If bartletts are better choice then we will definitely go for it as it's more colourful and originally what we wanted... :) I think price wise is ok la... thats the thing abt keeping marine fish in SG>.. equipment is super ex but fishes and corals are quite reasonable...

    http://www.marinecenter.com/fish/anthias/bartlettsanthias/ US$49!



  16. Hey Ketchup & desideria,

    Just to say hi, and nice huge tank you have there!

    Will be checking on your thread as I am starting my 2 ft cube.


    Hi Digibee

    Thanks.. we will try and keep this thread going... but i think we will close this thread once cycling is completed... Then open another once we start stocking so that easier to read... i have read some threads here that ran over 70 pages, and i must keep going to find the right page:P

    Good luck with the 2ft cube... we started with a 2ft tank as well.. smaller than yours.. you get the 2ft cube from J****?

  17. NEVER add those! yes those ARE trevallys! they grow humoungous and eat ALOT. heck u can even cook them once they are big.

    desi and ketchup, a group of bartletts over chromis is a wiser choice anyday. bartletts are peaceful and MUCH more colourful. best of all, they are the easiest anthias to feed. pellets on day 1 is no issue for this fish. the price is abit of a turn off going for about 10 red notes for 3 lol. but very much nicer in my opinion.

    anyway i can feel your excitement from here and u two look really happy LOL. stay happy!

    Really? If bartletts are better choice then we will definitely go for it as it's more colourful and originally what we wanted... :) I think price wise is ok la... thats the thing abt keeping marine fish in SG>.. equipment is super ex but fishes and corals are quite reasonable...

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