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Posts posted by desideria

  1. agree with CFO and kiko.

    Do get Distilled water and not from the tap as tap water has chlorine which will kill your livestock. SG = Salinity . I echo the use of a refractometer. It's expensive compared to a Hydrometer but it's far more accurate and no headaches of whether the reading is right or not. I had a hydrometer before and it kept on giving me different readings.

    The milky salt water could be due to there is way too much salt in the water...if I recall correctly it has to do with the salt has turned into carbonate if a large volume of salt is mixed with water too quickly. My chemistry sucks but I remember one should not add too much salt but add it slowly so that it all gets dissolved properly and not solifidy. Do make another batch of salt water with the brands that Kiko has suggested.

    :) good luck

  2. can we have a bit more info? HOw long have you been cycling the tank? Where did you get your Salt water from? You made it? NSW?

    What's the Salinity level? Temperature?

    your phosphate reading seems odd... it should be in PPM ( Parts per Million).. which test kit are you using?

    By any chance is this a freshwater setup converted to marine? :P

  3. hah how to just bring over.. everything will topple over man. Have to remove everything and transport it over. Anyway I wish to rescape with a different rock.

    good luck with converting your IQ3... I thought of getting that at first but then when I saw the IQ5 .. I was like.. I think I"d go for a bigger one... :P easier to find a rock for it! LOL

  4. for me personally, I feel that whatever works for your setup, stick to it. If one is persistent enough, one will learn along the way :) After some time and experience, sometimes eye-balling is good enough to tell whether your system is doing well or going down the hill. But of course test kits do help to confirm one's suspicions.

    NSW vs DIY salt water mix. I personally prefer doing my own salt water mix as I can control what I put in ( besides putting my trust in the brand of salt I buy!) like the amount of MG, CA, KH etc and all the other additives. So at least I know. It's troublesome and takes up my time but it's for my own peace of mind. However I would like to state that I am aware of what i'm doing so I don't overdose. Some reefers have been using NSW with no issues whereas some have so there is no hard and fast rule here. It truely depends on every individual reefer.

    Bracing is something I will always have as well as having as thick a glass as I can afford it! LOL. I'd rather be safe than sorry. A one off capital expenditure to prevent future heartache AND headache.

    Also there are many many articles online, not just 1 so google-fu for the win to get a broad spectrum of the reefing world. :)

    Have fun Ya'all!

  5. @ Qiangz, the Powder Brown is doing well in the main tank... have become friends with the YT already within 2 days. But there is still the occasional flaring. Helfrichi in office? I must be nutz .. LOL

    @ nic.. many small led lights in the market now, go to the LFS like Madpetz, IRwarna, Petmart @ Serangoon and they will have many clip on LEDs for you to choose from. Up to you whether you want to spend the moola to get PAR38 LED which I got from DE lightings Dr Evil. :P

    @amby.. the rics are doing well in my little IQ5 .. I lost 2 though in my main tank.. 1 melted, the other disappeared... so i'm down to 10 rics in total from the original 12. 2 pieces also have split so... guess SOMETHING is going right. HAHAHAH

  6. I really can't think of anything, it's easier for me because I can take water from my larger setup which I know the parameters are very stable to do WC as well as using the same filter media that I already have on hand. Another point to note is that because it's so small, I keep my bioload very low ( 1 fish only , max 2 fishes). No clownfish, no tangs.. just a firefish for me.

    The only thing I would not have bought is the cover as I ended up using eggcrate to cover the top as initially I thought my firefish would jump but then now I realise I don't even NEED the eggcrate!

    This is actually not the end of my IQ5, my colleagues have requested for me to reset it up once we complete the move to our other office in October, so I told them see first, see how BIG is the table and whether I have enough space to put up my tank if not , I will set it up back home to put.. little things. :)

    I will most likely change the scape a little with a different rock.. ;)

  7. Hey all,

    it's been a darn long time since I updated the thread so before I decom the tank next month due to office move, here's some shots..

    The only fish in there is my purple firefish which has become quite chicken.. everytime I move near it cheongs in and hides beneath the big rock. :P

    I have also a request to see the LEd lighting stand.. so here's some pics of it

    post-12571-0-45351700-1313721904_thumb.j post-12571-0-57977800-1313721918_thumb.j

    Here's the tank under blue led ( good old post its for the win to cover the white bulbs!! hee hee)

    post-12571-0-32245800-1313721907_thumb.j post-12571-0-00230500-1313721913_thumb.j

    Here's the tank with both blue and white led

    post-12571-0-26484100-1313721910_thumb.j post-12571-0-79698500-1313721915_thumb.j

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