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Everything posted by angry

  1. Not too sure about that bro, but i hope not:) I prefer him in this lilac variation:)
  2. Yeah man, i have been starring at it for days and hours till my mum starts to nag haaahaaahaaaaa. Very facinating especially with the moonlight on and it starts to roam. I got it imported from a fren and it cost me a bomb.
  3. The angler is sweet bro, feeding on all frozen food, very easy. As for the scorpion, no problem gettin it to feed but still weaning it:)
  4. Can't have another frogfish lah bro heeeheee i would luv to tho. The one you saw is actually 5-6" big and i'm pretty worried about the bioload.
  5. Its actually light purple in color:) Got a fren to import it for me:) I paid a hefty sum:)
  6. Here's Bob...for old time sage:)
  7. Here's some pics of my new scorpion:) Check this out.
  8. Fumanchu is a slightly harder to handle than volitans, especially weaning it to eat frozen.
  9. Thanks for the kind compliment:) I've removed most of the corals except the mushies and leather to tone down on lighting as its damaging my lions' eyesight heeheee. Will post some pics soon.
  10. I have a 5" frogfish with two adult volitans at 7-8 inches. Everything is good so far:)
  11. Saw one cute little guy at reb#$n yesterday:) A peacock mantis around 3".
  12. Hi all, lion is already taken. Thanks for taking the interest and your precious time. Sorry for others.
  13. Hi all reefers, i got a 7" lion up for adoption. Has been with me for almost 2 years now and the second inhabitant since the first day i setup the tank. Weaned to frozen already so no need to feed it with live food which makes things lot easier. Reason:- its been badly bullied by another lion its size and i dun wan it to perish like that. Interested party can pm me. Of course its for free but will only be given to people with good conditioned tank. Thanks.
  14. Its 3.5ft:) mr. nicceeeee is right:) http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=11793&st=0
  15. check out this new inhabitant:) its around 5"
  16. I feed mine once every three days:) Keep them hungry:)
  17. volitans are a hell lot easier to wean compared to their other cousins. A little patience is all you need.
  18. Try weaning them to marine food. e.g. market prawns, lance fish, squids, etc. That will ensure their longevity. I'm keeping three big volitans and gisnt frogfish:) I have one in the tank for almost two years now.
  19. a little too small for a mate. I've got a 5 incher frogfish and I'm afraid he might take this little guy more for food than a mate.
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