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Everything posted by lweepin

  1. Thanks both of you for your advice onm the skimmer. Pls share the results of the skimmer later on. What is reduced after you see after you installed it? Did the water quality improved? I find it hard to believe that something that small can make a difference. But if it works, I will install it...must keep it from my wife..she is complaining that I spent too much time on this new hobby.. Getting scolded for something that do not work vwery well is just not worth it..hehe
  2. Hi Huskypower75, Where did you get the resun SK-o5? How much is it? Do you have to do any modification on the cube? me interested to...I am willing to try anything except spoilt the look of the cube...my cube is just beside the living room sofa...
  3. Wow, Very nice and colourful corals. Do you use chiller in your tank?
  4. hijackng, Other than your excellent tank, you also take excellent and vivid photos. Do you use special lighting or camera? Care to share your secrets.
  5. Anyone has any experience with green wrasse? Can they take pellets with frozen stuff once a week?
  6. I went down yesterday to coral farm to buy some LS. My wife saw some green wrasses and wanted them due to their nice color. I thought that they are quite hardy and bought them. When I read more about them when I reached home, I realised that they are exactly suitable for my tank ( eats meat) I also brought 4 x blue-knuckle Hermit Crab, Serpent Star and 2 zoas. The green wrasses gave me a shock of my life when they disapear from my "tank" for long period of time. LOL Then I realised that they actually hide in the sand. I think they spend more time in the sand than swimming outside. The crabs and Zebra Serpent star are very lively and interesting to watch (good buy I think) Description of stuff in my tank now Corals 1 x green star polyp 1 x Califlower finger 1 x leather sponge mushroom 2 x button polyp (Zoa) Fish 1 x Pajama Cardinal 1 x yellow tail damsel 2 x green wrasse Cleaning crew 2 x skunk shrimps 4 x blue knuckle hermit crap 1 x zebra serpent star
  7. Another of my Clownfish died today (3rd Day). Now left with my CardinalFish and Damsel (+ 2 shrimp). I bought the whole set of test kit today. The readings are as follows: PH: 8.0 Sg: 1.023 Ammonia 0 ppm NO2 0.02 ppm (very rough estimate) NO3 5 ppm KH 8 Ca 420 ppm. All the test looked good but both my clownfish still die. I will monitor for 2 more week before I take any additional actions
  8. Sad day for me yesterday. When I reach me yesterday, one of my clownfish died. It was only 2 days since I bought it. It is my first setback as a marine hobbyist. It was still OK the day before. There is no visible problem seen on the fish too. My wife become paranoid that all the other fish will die too. Unfortunately, I did not have a ammonia test kit with me. I did a test with my nitrite kit and everything seem normal. I better go buy the rest of my test kit this weekend. My other clownfish, damselfish and cardinalfish still look OK to me. I read somewhere that it is common to have early fatality for clownfish due to transportation stress. Is this true, or there is something wrong with my tank? Any suggestions on what is the cause of the problem.
  9. I am planning to get a DI/RO filter. Can someone recommend one that is good enough (also easy to use)for use in marine aquarium? Where can I get one? I am not interested in the high-end stuff and my budget is $100-$150. Thanks in advance for your help
  10. Thanks for all your suggestions. I will still go without chillers for now. I will also stick to corals that are less sensitive to heat. I will need to monitor the temperature during the hot month. Or knows if I can find a chiller that is small and nice looker , I may change my mind.
  11. I bought this Cauliflower from a shop that ID it as Dendronephthya Species. However, when I did a internet search, it did not look like from this species. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
  12. Hi ScubaJazz, Thanks for your advice. I have started buying some LS. I have put photos of my tank in the members tank forum. Hope to share experience in future. I am also against having chillers...it is too bulkly and ugly which defeat the purpose of having a nano cube in the first place
  13. This is the first attempt to have a Marine Aquarium. About 1 month ago, I did not know a single thing about marine aquarium. In the last few weeks, I borrowed quite a few books from the library to read about this new hobby. My aim is to have a aquarium that is nice to look at but at the same time do not need much sophiscated equipment. As a result, I decided to purchase a JBJ 24g Nano Cube with S Tank from AM. I also paid $100 more for set up of LR and water. I was advised to wait for 3 weeks before puting LS. But I gave in after 2 weeks due to intense pressure from my wife and children to put LS in. Thus today, Ibought the following LS from Coral Farm. Hopefully my choice of hardy fish/corals and "magic" water from the shop will compensate for my impatience. LOL Fish 2 x Common Clownfish 1 x Yellow Tail Blue Damsel 1 x Pajama Cardinal 2 x cleaner shrimp Corals 1 x Cauliflowers Finger 1 x Leather Sponge Mushroom 1 x Purple leather?? (need help to ID this one) I will wait another two weeks before adding some more corals. Corals are more important than fishes in my tank. I don't intend to add a chiller because it will spoilt the overall look of the cube. Thus I need some recommendations on what corals to add. I want to make my cube as colourful as possible. Any recommendations and comments are strongly encouraged to help a newbie like me. Hopefully, I can incorporate your suggestions into my tank!
  14. Thanks for your advice. I went there today...really good selection. The road to the farm is tricky..many twists and turns
  15. I have a new 24g Nano cube (no chiller with fan only) that is in cycling mode (with LR) for 2 weeks now. In another week, I plan to put in some live stock. Need on some advice on what corals to buy. I want to buy something beautiful but at the same time reasonably hardy to survive under the care of amatuer like me. Most likely, I will only keep 4-5 fish in it (Coral is more important for me) 1x Clownfish 1x royal gamma 1x Yellow-tail blue damsel 1x green chromis 1x spotted cardinal I appreciate any suggestions of type of coral I should keep
  16. Hi ScubaJazz, I am also new to marine fish. Have the same 25g tank (no extra addition) and is in water cycling stage for 2 weeks now. I need to make a decision on what fish or corals to buy soon. Most of the books I read seem to advise not to buy too much live stock for such a small tank. You seem to be able to put a lot of stuff in your tank. Hope you can share some of your experience. 1) How long do you wait (after a new purchase) before you add additional fish or corals? 2) Do you have any bad experience (mistakes) so far? Hopefully I can learn from your mistake 3) I really like your lemon peel (how much you pay for it and where do you buy it?) Did your lemon peel give you any problems like attacking other fish or corels?
  17. I am new into marine aquarium. I am in the process of setting up a tank. Does anyone have recommendations for shops in singapore which have a good selection of soft corals. Thanks
  18. lweepin


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