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Posts posted by angellove

  1. care to share your angels' diet ?

    Thanks in advance

    Hi bro,

    For diet, If you are talking abt Pomacanthus, you can feed various diet, flake contain veggie, Mysis soak with additive, and sea weed. For angel like Holacanthus, apolemichthys and Chaetodonplus and Regal, you need to give them additional sponge meal. Not all fish love the Angel fomula sponge, you need to train and let them adapt to the diet you provide.

    The feeding table can be plan

    AM: Sponge and seaweed

    PM: Mysis soak with selcon and vitamin

    Evening: Pellet and Flakes.

  2. Thanks to the info by bro angellove ...i visited Kelantan Lane (Blk 30, 1st corner shop) to look for the "Tau gay tung".

    There are blue and black colour type.

    size also 2 type:

    1) height 76cm diameter 44cm

    2) height 60 cm diameter 33cm

    Bought a black one ($19)....can match my bathroom tiles somemore...hehe

    Just to share this info to those who need big containers to do water change.


    Good buy bro. At least can change water liao.

  3. stable? hey u look at the fin, got white patch and cauliflower fungus! questionable la. both are feeding. i watched them both nip at seaweed.

    Haha the last time i saw was ok, didn't know it has lymphocyctis. It is ok for me to buy fish with lymphocyctis if the price is attractive. Lymphocyctis as bro Lemon said, it is cause by enviromental stress. If you have a space to keep it, it will recover in 2-3 weeks. I disagree to scrap off the cycst as fish already stress. The words is LEAVE IT ALONE to cure, by good water quality, food.

  4. THKQ the next angel fish shipment i would like u to there as my personnel advisor... ;)

    Dont say like that leh, this hobby we share and care. But warning huh, high end fish carry a risk. They not feeling well, your heart also not feeling well. Very stressful one. Even my wife told me, my queen vitamin and diet is better then i provide for my 3 kids.

  5. Hi Bro,

    Very nice fishes u have...waiting slowly to stock up my 4ft tank too.

    Whats the pvc pipe lying on the sand bed for and the acrylic partition is bcos they cant get along?

    By the way, i saw your old 7 ft tank last time when i bought the 2 seio wavemaker from u :)

    The partition was to make sure that the Brazilian queen feed well, and will join in the first 11 once he pass the beep test.

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